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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Oh No, Canada: Ruthie Blum, Israel Hayom, Jan. 26, 2016 — It was clear that it wouldn’t take long for Canada’s new government to sink its liberal fangs into Israel.

How Can We Stand Aside as the World Falls to Poisonous Totalitarian Beliefs?: Robert Fulford, National Post, Jan. 22, 2016— Prime Minister Justin Trudeau still has CF-18 fighter jets supporting the anti-ISIL campaign but he’s made it clear this is only a temporary measure.

Canada’s Growing Jihadi Cancer: Dana Kennedy, Daily Beast, Dec. 14, 2016 — Ignore growing Muslim fundamentalism and extremism in Canada at your peril.


On Topic Links


Canada to Send ‘Tough Message’ on Violence to Ally Israel: Jerusalem Post, Jan. 25, 2016

Sorry Israel, Canada is Climbing Back on the Fence. And Other Reasons to Fear for Humanity: Kelly McPharland, National Post, Jan. 26, 2015

Why Jews Will Continue to Support the Tories: Michael Taube, Canadian Jewish News, Jan. 21, 2015

When Foreign Policy Hits Foreign Reality: Konrad Yakabuski, Globe & Mail, Jan. 25, 2016



OH NO, CANADA                                   

     Ruthie Blum                                                                                              

Israel Hayom, Jan. 26, 2016


It was clear that it wouldn’t take long for Canada’s new government to sink its liberal fangs into Israel. Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s loss to Justin Trudeau in October virtually guaranteed an end to the honeymoon between Ottawa and Jerusalem. Sunday’s message from Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion to the Jewish state, then, though contemptible, was not the least bit surprising.


Borrowing a page from the U.S. State Department’s playbook — and emulating an abusive marriage — Dion professed his love and commitment while throwing a punch. “As a steadfast ally and friend to Israel,” his statement read, “Canada calls for all efforts to be made to reduce violence and incitement and to help build the conditions for a return to the negotiating table.” This little of piece of immoral parity came on the heels of a couple of particularly horrifying stabbing attacks by Palestinian terrorists against two Israeli women — one slashed to death in front of her traumatized teenage daughter; the other wounded while pregnant.


But the above brutal assaults are merely drops in the bucket of the uprising that began in September and has been continuing daily without letup. Nor is the purpose of this “lone-wolf intifada” — spurred by incitement on social media and given the stamp of approval by Palestinian Authority officialdom — to bring about a “return to the negotiating table.” It is, rather, to beat the Jewish state into submission and defeat. Because the terrorists have not succeeded in this mission, a number of Israel’s good “friends” in the West have been trying to lend a hand.


In Europe, which is now having its own experience with Islamist terrorism, Israel is literally and figuratively being labeled as the culprit of the Palestinian war being waged against it. The idea is that if settlements in Judea and Samaria ceased to exist, both peace and Palestinian statehood would emerge. The United States under President Barack Obama also holds this preposterous position, as its ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, made clear in his speech last week at a national security conference in Tel Aviv. In his bosses’ eyes, there are “two sides” to the Palestinian-Israeli violence, and each has to do its part to curb it. In other words, Israel has to cease adopting policies that cause terrorists to go out and murder innocent people.


But Canada — O Canada — had a different approach. Harper and his foreign ministry did not qualify their country’s loyalty to the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. The sole conditions about which they spoke were those that had to be met by the PA. It was thus with a heavy heart that the Israeli government and conservatives in Canada and elsewhere parted with Harper and watched an Obama clone replace him.

Indeed, it was the Canadian Conservative Party that responded most loudly to Dion’s statement for “equat[ing] … terrorist attacks with Israeli settlement construction. This is unacceptable.”


On Monday, as Shapiro “apologized” for the poor timing of his comments from the previous week, Dion’s spokesman, Joe Pickerill, “clarified” Canada’s reprimand and explained why a longer “tough message” to Israel was soon to be delivered. “We’re not necessarily equating the violence by any means on both sides,” Pickerill said. “But there have been issues, and we need to be in a position to point that out.”


These words coincided with a stabbing attack on two women at a grocery store in a Jewish community northwest of Jerusalem. The terrorists were killed by a security guard before they had the chance to detonate the pipe bombs they had brought with them to maximize carnage. Shame on you, Canada.






                Giulio Meotti

     Arutz Sheva, Jan. 25, 2016


What better place than the Davos Forum in Switzerland to offer “the new image of Canada” to the people who count? Like George Soros, who elected Justin Trudeau his favorite politician. The compassionate Canadian premier in Davos was shown with a Jamaican who praised the green energies at the Caribbean and a woman who told him of her suffering in Gaza. 


Since being elected, “baby face” Trudeau has excelled in photo opportunities and tears. There is the photo of Trudeau receiving, between “ahlan sahlan wa” (welcome in Arabic) and a selfie, the first group of Syrian migrants at the Toronto airport, reaching out to them with warm clothes to face the Canadian winter. There is the photo in which Trudeau, to atone for his sense of guilt, is dressed in a robe of Indian natives and dances to a Punjabi song. There is a photo in which Trudeau appears in a sort of gay nativity alongside an MP of his party, his partner and their two daughters conceived with the surrogate mother.


But the first real test of leadership, the massacre in Burkina Faso and the killing of six civilians who were Canadians, served to wipe off Trudeau’s smile. Yves Richard, who lost his wife Maude in the massacre, hung up on the phone call from the Canadian Prime Minister, who had waited three days before presenting his condolences. Maude’s mother has instead told Trudeau that if he wants to honor her murdered daughter, he must abandon his plans for disengagement from the war on the Islamic state.


The day after the killing of Canadians in Burkina Faso, where they had gone to build schools and hospitals, Trudeau visited a mosque in Peterborough. And when he spoke at the podium, Trudeau equated the terrorist attack with the arson at a mosque in Canada. He used stronger words for the mosque than those he used to condemn the massacre in Burkina Faso. It is the impossible paradox of a liberal prime minister who, since being elected, defended the right of Canadian women to wear the hijab (Islamic veil), but also praised Canadian secularism and in whose government,  half of his ministers chose not to pronounce the words of the rite “So Help Me God” during their oath.


The first political gesture by Prime Minister “baby face” Trudeau was the withdrawal of the six Canadian fighter bombers engaged in the war on ISIS. This despite the fact that Canada is, in proportion to its population, the country from which more volunteers left to fight for the Caliphate. Terrorism has not been the priority of Trudeau in these three months, not like “gender equality”, global warming and the injustice committed centuries ago against the Natives. And the Prime Minister has already made it clear that for Israel, which had a great and principled ally in Harper’s Canada, the music has already changed.


Trudeau’s government itself is a postcard vision of political correctness: half of the ministers are women (“we are in 2015!” chanted Trudeau at the presentation of the executive), there are two Aboriginal and three members of the Sikh minority, including a disabled person and an Afghan refugee. A policy of “inclusion” that Trudeau has also applied to migrants is open doors for male homosexual Syrians, less to heterosexuals because those are more likely to embrace ISIS. At least in the magical world of Justin Trudeau who, according to the perfidious Ezra Levant, “cannot distinguish Hummus from Hamas”. Trudeau’s stupid smile is the mirror of the Western decadence.






TO POISONOUS TOTALITARIAN BELIEFS?                                

                    Robert Fulford

National Post, Jan. 22, 2016


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau still has CF-18 fighter jets supporting the anti-ISIL campaign but he’s made it clear this is only a temporary measure. He plans to withdraw the fighters and deal with the Islamist threat through non-military means — medical aid, help for refugees, training of soldiers. He believes we can accomplish much through diplomacy. That’s the Canadian way, the peaceful way, as his statements since taking office indicate. But his approach reveals a misunderstanding of both Canada and the current emergency.


The Islamist progress across the globe resembles the wave of poisonous totalitarian beliefs that swept across Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, first conquering the continent under Hitler and later subjugating Eastern Europe for half a century under the Soviet empire. The Nazis and communists had the great advantage of an industrial base to provide armaments. The Islamist totalitarians, on the other hand, have the advantage of a religious fervour that attracts supporters among some fellow Muslims as far away as China and Indonesia.


In defending democracy in the 1940s against the Nazis and the communists, Canadians played a direct and costly part. They did not hope that the dictators would be handled by diplomatic means. The Canadian tradition is to use military means when necessary, as it was in the past and appears likely to be in the current onslaught. We love to see ourselves as peacekeepers but forget that Canadians have often been warriors. Jack Granatstein, the distinguished historian, has claimed for years that we have ignored our military history while over-emphasizing our claims of keeping the peace. It’s important to know that Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, who won the Nobel peace prize for inventing the UN force in the Suez crisis, was also among the inventors of NATO, the most powerful military alliance in history.


Islamists constitute a fierce, angry and intensely savage element in politics. A UN report this week said ISIL has about 3,500 Iraqis, mainly Yazidi women and children, “currently being held in slavery.” The Yazidis, a non-Muslim minority in northern Iraq, are considered devil-worshippers by ISIL. Francesco Motta, head of the UN human rights office in Iraq, said ISIL seeks to “eliminate, purge or destroy minority communities. The intent seems clear — genocide.” The report said doctors, teachers and journalists opposed to ISIL ideology have been singled out and murdered. Motta also described the use of children as young as nine being forced to give their blood, compelled to operate as suicide bombers and drafted for armed combat roles.


The jihadists have learned to fight with car bombs, sending them in waves against their targets. They use small drones for reconnaissance. They impose what they consider correct sexual morals with horrendous fury. Videos show ISIL soldiers punishing homosexuals by throwing them off seven-story buildings in Syria. One victim, who somehow appeared to survive the fall, was quickly stoned to death by the watching crowd below.


This is no longer a question limited to the Middle East, and it reaches far beyond ISIL. It is now a global problem, a form of spiritual and military colonialism that reaches into every corner of the planet. Just last weekend, six Canadians engaged in African humanitarian work, including the building of a school, were killed in a Burkina Faso hotel attack by al Qaida terrorists. On Wednesday Singapore arrested 27 Bangladeshi construction workers as Islamists.


Islamists, while by no means unified, share the belief that much of Muslim civilization has fallen into heresy and drifted away from the Koran, adopting alien practices from the West. They hope to reconstruct society according to their definition of “pure Islam” by killing heretics or forcibly converting them. Waves of would-be jihadists have come to the Middle East to take part in this movement or have set themselves up as foreign emissaries who can act out Islamist violence at home, anywhere from Indonesia to Canada. They all claim to be heading in the correct direction but so far ISIL, with its claim to embody a Caliphate to rule the world, appears to have the most attractive reputation.


It’s possible that the U.S.-led coalition will defeat ISIL (it already shows signs of weakness) and kill its chief, Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi (also known as The Caliph Ibrahim). But the Islamist ideology is strong and infectious enough to revive itself and remain a menace to the world for decades. If most of the democracies consider this movement an imminent danger that must be opposed, Canada should not stand by and watch.





Dana Kennedy

Daily Beast, Dec. 14, 2015


Ignore growing Muslim fundamentalism and extremism in Canada at your peril. That’s the message an increasingly vocal number of moderate and secular Canadian Muslims and counterterrorism experts want to send to the United States and the rest of the world. The attention focused … on the Ontario branch of al-Huda, the same religious school the San Bernardino killer Tashfeen Malik attended in Pakistan, is just one example of increasing Saudi-funded Islamic fundamentalism all over Canada.


Radical mosques with reported ties to terrorist organizations have flourished in and around Toronto as well as in Montreal, while some politicians, including Canada’s new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, have been reluctant to constrain or even criticize these groups, defending them in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.


For instance, the Mississauga, Ontario, branch of the al-Huda school closed for at least one day last week after CBC reported that four girls who studied there left Canada to join the so-called Islamic State. “Farhat Hashmi runs al-Huda and denies that jihad is being taught there,” Dr. Farzana Hassan of the moderate Canadian Muslim Congress told The Daily Beast. “She’s not telling the truth. I’ve listened to her podcasts in the Urdu language. She praises jihad and says women should participate. There is a possibility of impressionable young women hearing that and being radicalized.”


Canada’s new telegenic Prime Minister Trudeau, 43, the ultimate anti- Donald Trump, was pictured last week warmly greeting the first of an estimated 25,000 Syrian refugees arriving between now and March 2016. (Canada’s population is about one-tenth of the United States, so that’s as if 250,000 Syrian refugees were arriving in the U.S. in the space of just four months.)


But the feel-good photo op for Trudeau and his Liberal Party could portend trouble for Canada, according to Brian Levin, a former NYPD officer turned counter-terrorism and extremism specialist at San Bernardino State. “People talk about Mexico,” said Levin. “They totally overlook Canada. Nobody has any idea what’s going on up there. In my opinion it’s a bigger threat than Mexico.”


Given Prime Minister Trudeau’s good looks, his political pedigree, a one-time TV-anchor wife who the New York Post called “the hottest First Lady in the world,” and his headline-making cabinet featuring many women and minorities, he recently scored a spread in Vogue. But he’s come under fire at home for what some see as pandering to the Muslim vote and an extreme political correctness. He has said he will revamp aspects of C-51, the controversial anti-terrorism bill that the Conservative Party enacted this year.


Trudeau visited mosques all over Canada as part of his political campaigns leading up to his recent win. He visited a notorious Montreal mosque in 2011, a month before the U.S. classified it as an al Qaeda recruitment center. He addressed a mosque with ties to Hamas and, unlike his Conservative Party predecessor, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, he defends the right for Muslim Canadian women to wear the niqab, a veil covering the face, when they take their citizenship oaths.


In 2011 Trudeau objected to the word “barbaric” in a Canadian citizenship guide for new immigrants that included the passage: “Canada’s openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, honor killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.” “There’s nothing the word ‘barbaric’ achieves that the words ‘absolutely unacceptable’ would not have achieved,” said Trudeau, who later retracted his statements after a Twitter firestorm.


Trudeau’s key aide helping him nail the Canadian Muslim vote was Omar Alghabra, 46, a Saudi-born Syrian immigrant. Alghabra was once president of the controversial Canadian Arab Foundation which lost government funding in 2009 because of its support for groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, which are officially listed as terrorist groups in Canada. Trudeau just named Alghabra as his Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Consular).


Alghabra once denounced Toronto’s police chief for taking part in a charity walk for Israel and also said the chief’s official visit to Israel was akin to going to meet with Saddam Hussein. When Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat died, Alghabra put out a press release expressing “sorrow and regret.” He condemned a major Canadian newspaper for using the term “terrorist” to describe Islamist terrorist groups like al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.


Canada has had its share of terrorist plots, some of them aimed at the United States. The so-called Toronto 18 were arrested in 2006 before the could carry out planned attacks involving bombs, storming the Parliament, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and beheading the prime minister. According to former NYPD counter-terrorism analyst Mitchell Silber in his book The Al Qaeda Factor: Plots Against the West, members of this group were also linked to an infamous British jihadist, Aabid Khan, who wanted to use Canada as a staging area for attacks on the United States. Two men in Atlanta, Georgia, were arrested after sending him video of potential targets in and around Washington, D.C.


Algerian-born al Qaeda member Ahmed Ressam, the so-called Millennium Bomber, lived for awhile in Montreal while plotting to bomb The Los Angeles International Airport in 1999. Suspicious border agents arrested him after they found explosives in his car on a ferry from Vancouver to Washington State. In retrospect, the Ressam operation staged out of Canada was seen in counter-terror circles as a small-scale prelude to the horrors of the 9/11 attacks.


The mastermind of the attacks on New York and Washington had plotted to carry out a second wave using at least one naturalized Canadian citizen originally from Tunisia, Abderraouf Ben Habib Jdey, also known as Farouq al-Tunisi. The United States has a $5 million reward on Jdey’s head, noting on the State Department’s official website, “Authorities remain concerned that Jdey may attempt to return to Canada or the United States to plan or participate in a terrorist attack.”


Last year Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam and the son of a Libyan father, fatally shot a soldier in Ottawa and stormed Parliament before being killed by police. But, at least so far, homegrown attacks in Canada are fairly rare. Mubin Shaikh, a former Muslim extremist turned counter-terrorism operative who went undercover for Canadian intelligence to infiltrate the Toronto 18, says the low incidence of terror attacks is precisely because of Canada’s policy of multiculturalism.


“Our multiculturalism is a protective factor and one of the reasons why Canada has seen lower numbers [of terrorist incidents] is largely due to the fact that Muslims are treated very well,” Shaikh told The Daily Beast. “This is the whole point, that when you actively prevent isolation and marginalization, so too do you see a low level of extremism,” said Shaikh. “The problem in the U.K. is that although there is multiculturalism, there is a colonial history that grievances-centered people can take advantage of.”


Others disagree and say multiculturalism has spawned a more subtle type of fundamentalism taking over some communities to the point where they look like areas of the Middle East with a corresponding mind-set—and dangers. A public middle school not far from Toronto made news in 2012 when the principal bowed to local pressure and allowed the cafeteria to be used as a mosque for Friday prayers led by a local imam known for his fundamentalist rhetoric. The girls have to sit behind the boys and menstruating girls are forced to stand in the back.


The notorious Toronto imam Aly Hindy of the influential Salaheddin mosque is well known for calling the 9/11 attacks a CIA operation, praising the Toronto 18 terrorists, calling homosexuality “invented garbage” and mocking Canada. When denouncing what he called “illegal sexual acts,” Hindy once added, “Illegal means illegal in Islam, not illegal in the Canadian law, because everything is legal in the Canadian law, except children. Other than that, they allow everything.” …

[To Read the Full Article Click the Following Link—Ed.]





On Topic


Canada to Send ‘Tough Message’ on Violence to Ally Israel: Jerusalem Post, Jan. 25, 2016—Canada’s new Liberal government said on Monday it was delivering a “tough message” to Israel as a good friend after expressing concern about Israeli-Palestinian violence, Israeli settlements and unilateral Palestinian moves.

Sorry Israel, Canada is Climbing Back on the Fence. And Other Reasons to Fear for Humanity: Kelly McPharland, National Post, Jan. 26, 2015—Just what Canada needed is Ottawa climbing back on the fence of moral relativity in relations with Israel and Palestine. So, for 10 years we acknowledged the reality of Israel’s right to exist without being attacked, bombed, threatened or invaded by neighbours who want to wipe it off the earth, but now we’re back to pretending Israel could somehow end the violence if only it was nicer to the people who hate it.

Why Jews Will Continue to Support the Tories: Michael Taube, Canadian Jewish News, Jan. 21, 2015 —Not long after the Tories were defeated in last year’s federal election, some pundits started to speculate that Canada would experience a long-term political shift. What would this entail? The pundits didn’t know for sure. Yet their magical crystal balls of (ahem) wisdom suggested a significant realignment of policies, ideas, individuals and groups.

When Foreign Policy Hits Foreign Reality: Konrad Yakabuski, Globe & Mail, Jan. 25, 2016—There is something perversely reassuring about the Liberal government’s insistence that it will stand by a controversial arms sale to Saudi Arabia despite the kingdom’s egregious human-rights record, exemplified by the recent execution of an outspoken Shia cleric. It suggests that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau understands that foreign policy is often more about dark arts than sunny ways.












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