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Isranet Daily Briefing


Economy of Israel - Wikipedia
Economy of Israel - Wikipedia

Fitch Affirms Israel at ‘A+’; Outlook Stable Fitch Ratings, Aug. 14, 2023 — Rating Strengths and Weaknesses: Israel’s ‘A+’ rating balances a diversified, resilient and high value-added economy and strong external finances against a relatively high government debt/GDP ratio, ongoing security risks and a record of unstable governments that has hindered policymaking.

Fitch Makes Case for Why Netanyahu Won’t Doom Israel Economy:  Galit Altstein, Bloomberg, Aug. 21, 2023
Bank of America Exec Confident About Israel’s Economy: Aharon Katz, Globes, Aug. 2, 2023
The Miracle of Israel’s Economic Growth Despite Grave Odds and Recent Challenges:  Yoram Ettinger, Algemeiner, Aug. 2, 2023
Sale of Arrow 3 Symbolizes Israel’s 75-Year Growth to Defense Powerhouse – Editorial:  JPost, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 21, 2023


Unemployment in Israel Falls to pre-Covid Low:  Aharon Katz, Globes, Aug. 14, 2023 — The rate of unemployment in Israel has fallen to pre-Covid lows. Unemployment in July 2023, seasonally adjusted, fell in July to 3.4% from 3.6% in June, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports.

Israel’s Natural-Gas Revolution Leads to $86b In SavingsJNS, Aug. 2, 2023— Israel’s economy saved more than NIS 316 billion (~$86.7 billion) over the past decade thanks to its “natural gas revolution,” according to an in-depth study released on Tuesday.

Amazon to Invest $7.2 Billion in Israel, Launches AWS Cloud RegionReuters, Aug. 1, 2023 — (AMZN.O) said on Tuesday it is planning to invest about $7.2 billion through 2037 in Israel, and launched its Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers in the country.

‘Israel Could Easily Be Among World’s 10 Top Economies’:  JNS, June 29, 2023 — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that his government’s actions have made Israel a rising global force, and that it could become one of the world’s 10 leading economies.


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