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Isranet Daily Briefing


Keynote presentation: Douglas Murray, journalist, editor, author of “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam”, United Kingdom: The migrant crisis of 2015 and its ongoing effects. The Future of Europe international conference. The 23rd of May, 2018. Polgári Magyarországért Alapítvány, XXI. Század Intézet, V4 Connects. Várkert Bazár, Budapest, Hungary, Central Europe.- Wikipedia
Keynote presentation: Douglas Murray, journalist, editor, author of “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam”, United Kingdom: The migrant crisis of 2015 and its ongoing effects. The Future of Europe international conference. The 23rd of May, 2018. Polgári Magyarországért Alapítvány, XXI. Század Intézet, V4 Connects. Várkert Bazár, Budapest, Hungary, Central Europe.- Wikipedia


WATCH:  Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism | Douglas Murray Vs Mehdi Hasan | 2024:  Roaming Soren, YouTube, June 18, 2024 — Munk Dialogue with Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan & Gideon Levy: Is anti-Zionism antisemitism?
Hub Dialogues: Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan and Gideon Levy on Whether Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism Hub Podcasts, June 16, 2024 — On this special edition of Hub Dialogues, publisher Rudyard Grffiths interviews author and journalist Douglas Murray, barrister and expert commentator Natasha Hausdorff, editor-in-chief and founder of Zeteo Mehdi Hasan, and Israeli journalist author and journalist Gideon Levy ahead of the Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism. 

WATCH:  A Dangerous Moment, with Douglas Murray | Uncommon Knowledge:  Hoover Institute, May 29, 2024 — Author and columnist Douglas Murray has spent much of the past few years reporting from battlefields in Ukraine and Gaza. His reporting on the harrowing conditions in those wartorn locations …
 Is anti-Zionism Antisemitism?:  Melanie Phillips, Substack, June 19, 2024
Majority at Munk Debates Say anti-Zionism Equals Antisemitism:  David Blaff, National Post, June 18, 2024
Meet the Brilliant Barrister Battling Lies About Israel:  Karen Glaser, The JC, Mar. 2, 2023
The Pathology of anti-Semitism:  Douglas Murray, The Spectator, Apr. 29, 2024

For Further Reference:

LISTEN:  #ISRAEL Natasha Hausdorff Natasha Hausdorff Is an Attorney in London … : The John Batchelor Show, May 30, 2024 — #ISRAEL Natasha Hausdorff Natasha Hausdorff is an attorney in London and legal director at UK Lawyers for Israel. Malcolm Hoenlein @Conf_of_pres @mhoenlein1
The Gideon Levy’s of Israel and the Ultimate Stigma Steve Apfel, Israel National News, Nov 9, 2012 — Conjure if you will, a Greek who sets out to make his reputation by defaming the Greek people. If that is worth only a chuckle, what to make of the Gideon Levy’s of Israel?
WATCH:  Douglas Murray: “The Rise of Anti-Semitism Is a Sign of a Society in Decline”:  JA21, June 7, 2024 — The increasing antisemitism in the Western world is a problem that urgently needs to be addressed. JA21 is doing just that. That’s why we organized a symposium on Saturday, June 1st, with Douglas Murray, Esther Voet, David Suurland, Machteld Allan, Hans Wallage, and Boaz Cahn. Here is the full speech by Douglas Murray.
When Does Anti-Zionism Become Antisemitism? A Jewish Historian’s Perspective:  Suzanne Rutland, The Conversation, Mar. 27, 2024 — In his latest book, Jewish Life in Medieval Spain, Jonathan Ray focuses on the tumult of the 14th century in Spain – a time of the plague, civil strife and war between the two largest kingdoms, Aragon and Castile, with frequent attacks against Jews.


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