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Isranet Daily Briefing


Six Day War. Army chief chaplain rabbi Shlomo Goren, who is surrounded by IDF soldiers, blows the shofar in front of the western wall in Jerusalem.(Source: Wikipedia)
Six Day War. Army chief chaplain rabbi Shlomo Goren, who is surrounded by IDF soldiers, blows the shofar in front of the western wall in Jerusalem.(Source: Wikipedia)

The Courage to Grow:  A Thought for Yom Kippur:  Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Fund I vividly remember the surprise and delight I had when I first read Jane Austen’s Emma. It was the first time I have read a novel in which you see a character changing over time. 

Yoram Ettinger: Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Guide for the Perplexed, 2021:  Yoram Ettinger, The Jewish World, Sept. 10, 2021 Yom Kippur is considered to be a Super Sabbath (Shabbat Shabbaton in Hebrew) – a soul-searching opportunity for pious and evil people alike.

For Further Reference:

Famed Yiddishist Ruth Wisse Discusses Soul-Searching In Seminal Short Story:  Jessica Steinberg, Times of Israel, Sept. 12, 2021 — As Yom Kippur approaches, a Day of Awe meant to be used for soul-searching, famed Yiddishist Ruth Wisse will be discussing a well-known story that delves into that very subject for the Beit Avi Chai culture center in Jerusalem.

Hundreds of State Documents On Yom Kippur War Declassified:  Lilach Shoval, Times of Israel, June 7, 2021 — The Defense Ministry’s Archives on Monday released, for the first time, hundreds of recently declassified documents pertaining to the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

The Yom Kippur Sermon That Rabbi Stephen Wise Didn’t Give:  Rafael Medoff, Algemeiner, Sept. 24, 2020 — Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the most prominent American Jewish leader of the 1930s and 1940s, was a renowned orator who did not shy away from using his sermons to address social and political controversies. But on Yom Kippur in September 1942, as the Holocaust raged in Europe, the cat got his tongue.

Are the Taliban Descendants of Israel?:  Michael Freund, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 9, 2021 — With the fall of Kabul into the hands of the Taliban just shy of the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the world’s attention has once again turned to Afghanistan.

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