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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Solidarity protest for Palestine in Teheran (October 2023) 2.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Solidarity protest for Palestine in Teheran (October 2023) 2.jpg - Wikimedia Commons



Berkeley Law Dean ‘Stunned’ by Students Radicalized at Schools Like Berkeley:  John Seller, Epoch Times, Nov. 3, 2023 — What did he expect? Erwin Chemerinsky helped radicalize three generations of law school students. Now he’s shocked! Shocked! They’re holding far-left, antisemitic protests around the country.
Open Letter to the Edinburgh University Students’ Association Denis MacEoin, Gatestone Institute, Apr. 7, 2016 — As a concerned Edinburgh graduate, I write you with a sense of déjà vu, as I have done this before.

Is Campus Rage Fueled by Middle Eastern Money?:  Bari Weiss, The Free Press, Nov. 7, 2023

IN-DEPTH: Who Is Behind the Anti-Israel Rallies and What’s Their Goal?:  Noé Chartier, Epoch Times, Nov. 6, 2023

Harvard’s Double Standard on Free Speech:  John Tierney, City Journal, Oct. 29, 2023
Who Now Still Believes in Our Universities?:  Philip Carl Salzman, Epoch Times, Oct. 18, 2023


How American Colleges Gave Birth to Cancel Culture Rikki Schlott and Greg Lukianoff, The Free Press, Nov. 6, 2023 — The First Amendment wasn’t created to protect the interests of the rich and powerful. 
NYC Teacher Indoctrinates Preschoolers to Hate Israel Batya Jerenberg, WIN, Nov. 5, 2023 — A New York City pre-school teacher is instructing parents how to inculcate their young children with hatred of Israel and support Palestinian terrorism, The New York Post reported Saturday.
After Turkish Muslim Assaults Jewish Students, UMass Administrators Defend Anti-Israel Hate Daniel Greenfield, Front Page, Nov. 7, 2023 — Not only are we importing terrorists and terror supporters at record rates, but some libertarians have decided to argue that terror supporters can’t be deported because that’s unconstitutional.
Sociologists in Solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian People:  Open letter, Oct. 17, 2023 — Sociology as a discipline is rooted in a recognition of relationships of power and inequality. As sociologists and human beings, we unreservedly condemn the latest violence against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank at the hands of the Israeli regime.

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