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Isranet Daily Briefing


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The Week in Whoppers: Biden’s ‘Intimidation’ Nonsense, The NYT’s Biased Scaremongering snd More:  Editorial Board, NY Post, Nov. 3, 2022

“Crime is not on the rise, it’s actually down”ABC’s “The View” co-host Joy Behar (Nov.3) –overall, crime in New York City is in fact up over 30% overall this year.
“There’s been a dangerous rise in voter intimidation”— President Joe Biden in his Wednesday speech to the nation, yet turnout in this election year is already breaking all records.
“Republicans, Eyeing Majority, Float Changes to Social Security and Medicare [New York Times], while Joe Biden claimed that “Republicans want to take [Social Security] away”— yet no evidence for this, aside from Democrats’ claims, was cited.
“Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership”— A White House tweet on Tuesday: yet the increase is automatic, as a result of Nixon-era legislation tying Social Security to inflation, which has risen to historic heights under. . .the Biden Administration. (The White House later deleted the tweet.)
The Israel We Knew Is Gone Thomas Friedman, NY Times, Nov. 4, 2022

“Imagine you woke up after the 2024 U.S. presidential election and found that Donald Trump had been re-elected and chose Rudy Giuliani for attorney general, Michael Flynn for defense secretary, Steve Bannon for commerce secretary, evangelical leader James Dobson for education secretary, Proud Boys former leader Enrique Tarrio for homeland security head and Marjorie Taylor Greene for the White House spokeswoman. …

“The coalition that Likud leader Bibi Netanyahu is riding back into power is the Israeli equivalent of the nightmare U.S. cabinet I imagined above. Only it is real — a rowdy alliance of ultra-Orthodox leaders and ultranationalist politicians, including some outright racist, anti-Arab Jewish extremists once deemed completely outside the norms and boundaries of Israeli politics. As it is virtually impossible for Netanyahu to build a majority coalition without the support of these extremists, some of them are almost certain to be cabinet ministers in the next Israeli government….”


“The elections are over, and as the dust of discord between the political camps settles, we must come out of the trenches and work together. Differences won’t disappear, and that’s fine. We have profound disagreements on several issues, which need to be addressed with responsibility and consideration. It’s okay to argue, we don’t need to agree on everything, but at the same time, we do need to know what to agree on.” – Former PM Benjamin Netanyahu at the Knesset’s memorial event marking 27 years after the assassination of Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin.  His right-wing coalition won enough seats at the Nov. 1st elections to form a new government.  (JNS, Nov. 6, 2022)
“I hear all those who bring up the subjects of the emblem on Yitzhak Rabin’s car (27 years ago!) and the poster of Baruch Goldstein. But let me remind you of the long path I have taken since then and how I have changed: I have matured, moderated, and come to the understanding that life is complex. I don’t see all Arabs in the same way Today, I don’t see all leftists in the same way.  … If you will let us get closer, if you will listen to what we have to say, you will discover that we are all brothers. You will discover that we agree on 90% of the issues.” – Itamar Ben-Gvir, the head of the Otzma Yehudit faction of the Religious Zionist Party.  (Israel Hayom, Nov. 7, 2022)
“… those saying Mr. Ben-Gvir’s inclusion in the government is unacceptable were untroubled by the departing government, which included Ra’am, a party affiliated with Israel’s Islamic Movement, which was founded by a convicted terrorist; or the far-left Meretz, with roots in an actual Stalinist party; or by Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s apparent willingness to accept support from Hadash, a still-Communist party whose members of the Knesset recently justified terrorism against Israeli civilians.” — Eugene Kontorovich,  professor at George Mason University’s Scalia Law School.  (WSJ, Nov. 7, 2022)
“[UN Commission of Inquiry on Israel Chair Navi] Pillay’s outburst corroborated the very conclusion she was trying so hard to avoid. She had spent a high-profile career as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2008 to 2014 and thereafter, peddling dangerous falsehoods about Israel and the Jewish people: blood libels such as Israelis deliberately target the innocent and murder children, and the Jewish state is racist.  The claim that charges of antisemitism are a “diversion” is the diversion of the antisemite. … What’s totally false is that she and her crew are immune from criticism, and that well-documented charges of antisemitism are off limits because she says so.” –  lawyer and longtime UN observer Anne Bayefsky.  (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Nov. 6, 2022)
“Fifty years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press — which I’m not certain of, but if that is true — a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.  We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.” –NBC News presidential historian and best-selling author Michael Beschloss.  He reacted to President Biden’s speech claiming “MAGA Republicans” were threatening democracy.  His comments elicited many responses:  Jonathan Turleya law professor at George Washington University posted on Twitter, “so much for gas prices. The choice is now voting Democratic or lining up your children in front of a firing squad…,” ”Michael Beschloss needs to consider decaf!” —  posted Rebecca Henry Hatton.  (NY Post, Nov. 3, 2022)
“​​Biden is not just past his prime; even adequacy is in his past.  Meeting recently with some progressive activists, Biden said his $426 billion student loan forgiveness was accomplished by ​’​a law​’​ that he had ​’​just signed​’​: ​’​I got it passed by a vote or two.​’​ No. He. Did. Not​.  ​Biden was not merely again embellishing his achievements. This is not just another of his verbal fender benders. There is no less-than-dismaying explanation for his complete confusion. What vote? Who voted? It is frightening that Biden does not know, or remember, what he recently did regarding an immensely important policy. He must be presumed susceptible to future episodes of similar bewilderment. He should leave the public stage on Jan. 20, 2025.” ​– Pulitzer award-winning columnist George F. Will.  He then described VP Kamala Harris as “starkly unqualified” and “lacking natural talent.” “Transcripts of her verbal meanderings cannot convey their eerie strangeness. Videos of them should be watched.” (Washington Post, Nov. 2, 2022)
“So in the end, what Harvard and UNC are arguing is that visual diversity is a compelling state interest. Having classrooms and admissions brochures that look like Benetton ads can justify resorting to racial classifications that we have justifiably banned in pretty much every other area of American life. The idea would be laughable if it weren’t so wrong. . . . Giving white applicants a preference over Asians does make sense once you remember that the schools are looking for visual diversity.”— David Lat (Original Jurisdiction, Nov. 1, 2022)
“Yeah, let me tell you, you are in a bubble, man. . .if you think anybody’s talking about what happened in 2020 or talking about Mar-a-Lago and all that. People are talking about what is happening in their pocketbooks. I know the press loves to talk about it. People are talking about what happens in their pocketbooks every single day when they have to buy groceries or fill up gas or right now.” – political columnist Scott Walker citing New News Hampshire Republican Governor Chris Sununu replying to Chuck Todd of NBC News claiming he supported “election deniers” or someone who thought inflation fears would create school-buses of voters in New Hampshire. (Washington Times, Nov.3, 2022)


REPUBLICANS FIGHTING TO SECURE NARROW HOUSE MAJORITY AS BID FOR SENATE CONTROL STALLS (Washington) — The red wave that many Republicans had been anticipating on Election Day failed to materialize, and as of early Wednesday it was still unclear which party would control the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Big GOP wins in Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis and Senator Marco Rubio cruised to easy victories, seemed to signal the beginning of a strong night for Republicans. The GOP also flipped at least three House seats in Florida, which is increasingly looking like a Republican stronghold. But Republican optimism for a wave or tsunami election quickly faded as mixed results started trickling in from around the country, showing that voters are skeptical about handing power to the GOP. Several prominent candidates endorsed by former president Donald Trump lost, and in some cases lost badly. If Republicans do win The House or Senate, their margins will likely be small. (National Review, Nov. 9, 2022)
BIDEN CONGRATULATES NETANYAHU ON ELECTION WIN: ‘WE’LL MAKE HISTORY TOGETHER (Washington) — US President Joe Biden phoned Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him on last week’s election victory. Netanyahu also spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shortly after his call with Biden, promising to “seriously examine the Ukraine issue” upon entering office. The US leader told Israel’s presumed next premier that “we’re brothers” and “we’ll make history together.” (Times of Israel, Nov. 7, 2022)
ENERGEAN FINDS 13 BILLION CUBIC METERS OF NATURAL GAS OFF ISRAEL’S SHORE (Jerusalem) — Energean PLC has announced a new commercial natural gas discovery of 13 billion cubic meters off the shore of Israel as a result of its exploratory drilling well dubbed Zeus-1. It has also confirmed the presence of an additional 3.75 bcm at its Athena site. These discoveries have confirmed the company’s suspicions that the so-called “Olympus area” located between the Karish and Tanin gas fields are both voluminous and commercially viable. (Jerusalem Post, Nov. 7, 2022)
ISRAEL, JORDAN, UAE SIGN NEW MOU ON DEAL TO SWAP SOLAR ENERGY FOR DESALINATED WATER (Sharm el-Sheikh) — Israel, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates signed a renewed memorandum of understanding regarding a UAE-brokered deal signed a year ago to have Jordan provide solar energy to Israel, and Israel channel desalinated water to the Hashemite Kingdom. (Times of Israel, Nov. 8, 2022)
ONE IN THREE ISRAELI COVID-19 PATIENTS SUFFER ‘LONG COVID’ SYMPTOMS (Jerusalem) — A study published by researchers from Israel’s Maccabi Healthcare Services HMO has found that long Covid–lingering symptoms after recovery from Covid-19–affects one in three people. The most prevalent long Covid symptoms among those who had been infected were decreased smell sensation (35.1%), decreased taste sensation (25.2%), memory disturbances (36.9%), shortness of breath (24.2% and joint stiffness (33%). (JNS, Nov. 7, 2022)
ISRAELI RESEARCHERS IMPROVE CHEMOTHERAPY TREATMENT FOR BREAST CANCER PATIENTS (Tel Aviv) — Israeli researchers have developed a treatment that may greatly enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients, Tel Aviv University reported. Researchers found that they can reduce the risk of lung metastasis following chemo from 52% to 6%. (Metastasis is the process whereby cancer cells spread to other parts of the body.) They achieved this by adding an anti-inflammatory agent to the chemotherapy.  (JNS, Nov. 8, 2022)
ISRAELI RUNNER LONAH CHEMTAI SALPETER PLACES SECOND IN NEW YORK MARATHON (NYC) — Israeli runner Lonah Chemtai Salpeter, 33, placed second in the New York City Marathon on Sunday. She came only seven seconds behind the winner with a time of two hours, 23 minutes and 30 seconds. (JNS, Nov. 7, 2022)
BBC IGNORED EDITORIAL GUIDELINES IN REPORTING ON ANTISEMITIC BUS ATTACK: REPORT (London) — The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) failed to be “duly accurate or duly impartial” in its reporting on a 2021 antisemitic attack on a bus carrying Jewish teenagers who were celebrating Hanukkah in London, according to a long-awaited report released by Ofcom, a UK media watchdog. After the antisemitic incident, the BBC had reported that some of the victims were heard on tape making anti-Muslim slurs, a claim that was roundly rejected by the Jewish community. Later, the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD) released two independent forensic reports concluding that no such slurs could be heard, but the BBC largely stood by its original reporting, eliciting outrage from the Jewish community in Britain. (Algemeiner, Nov. 7, 2022)
FBI WARNS OF ‘BROAD’ THREAT TO SYNAGOGUES IN NEW JERSEY (Newark) — The FBI said that it had received credible information about a “broad” threat to synagogues in New Jersey, a warning that prompted some municipalities to send extra police officers to guard houses of worship. The nature of the threat was vague. The FBI’s Newark office urged synagogues to “take all security precautions to protect your community and facility,” but wouldn’t say anything about who made the threat or why. (Israel Hayom, Nov. 4, 2022)
AMAZON UNDER PRESSURE TO REMOVE ANTISEMITIC FILM PROMOTED BY IRVING AS SALES SOAR (Seattle) — As the antisemitic book and film that NBA star Kyrie Irving promoted on social media continues to occupy best-seller lists on Amazon, the e-commerce giant has come under pressure from Jewish groups to remove the titles from its website. The company is now considering adding a disclaimer to the film.  (Times of Israel, Nov. 8, 2022)EARLY GLITCHES WITH MARICOPA COUNTY ELECTION MACHINES FRUSTRATE VOTERS (Maricopa County) — Voting got off to a glitchy start in Maricopa County on Tuesday morning because of widespread issues with the machines that count voters’ ballots.  All of the county’s 223 voting locations opened on time, but an hour into the election, voters and poll workers at some sites started reporting issues with tabulators. (AZ Central, Nov. 8, 2022)
*REGIME TO HOLD MASS TRIALS FOR PROTESTERS (Tehran)—In legal action aimed at crushing widespread dissent, Iranian authorities will hold mass trials in Tehran for 1,000 people arrested for “subversive actions”. At least 270 persons have been killed, and 14,000 arrested, according to human rights groups. (Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2022)
CHINA IPHONE WORKERS SCALE FENCES, FLEE FACTORY LOCKED DOWN OVER STRICT COVID POLICY (Beijing) — Workers at China’s Zhengzhou i-phone factory—there are 200,000—ignored a forced Covid lockdown and began fleeing the plant in droves. The Taiwanese Foxconn company, which runs the production line is Apple’s major producer, responsible for over 70% of global I-phone output.  (NY Post, Oct. 31, 2022)
*THE PACIFIC’S MISSING FIGHTER JETS (Washington)—PK Pentagon has announced the withdrawal of F15C/D aircraft forward-deployed at Kadena Air Force Base on Okinawa. Hence the Air Force has lost 55 % of its planned fifth-generation fighter force with no permanent replacement, and this as China threatens to attack Taiwan. Meanwhile, “the Biden Administration has shown no interest in growing the Air Force. . .the vanishing F-15s are one more sign of America’s eroding military power”.(WSJ, Nov. 2, 2022)
RUSSIAN MARINES COMPLAIN OF ‘INCOMPREHENSIBLE’ LOSSES IN UKRAINE (Donestsk) — Russian soldiers in the 155th Brigade of the Russian Pacific Fleet Marines and stationed in the Donetsk region have claimed that they were thrown into an incomprehensible battle” according to a letter sent from the front lines to a regional governor in Russia. “Once again, we were thrown into an incomprehensible battle by General Muradov and his brother-in-law, his countryman Akhmedov, so that Muradov could earn bonuses to make him look good in the eyes of Gerasimov [Russia’s Chief of the General Staff],” the letter claimed. (Jerusalem Post, Nov. 8, 2022)


WATCH:  The Left Turned Rabin into a ‘John Lennon-esque’ Figure to Use Him:  Caroline Glick, JNS, Nov. 8, 2022 On this episode of the “Caroline Glick Show,” Glick argues that the Israeli left has been distorting Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s legacy for its own political benefit.

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