CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Political Compass with Historical figures

Political Compass with Historical figures Flickr

The Apocalyptic Visions of Jacob Taubes and Meir Kahane:  Samuel Goldman, Mosaic, July 5, 2022

The Professor of Apocalypse:  Blake Smith, Tablet, Feb. 22, 2022

American, Racist, Jewish:  Shaul Maggid, Tablet, Oct. 12, 2021

Introduction: The Soviet Jewry Movement, Revisited:  Tova Benjamin, Jewish Currents, May 23, 2022


WATCH: Understanding Jewish Radical Meir Kahane: A Book Talk with Author Shaul Magid YouTube, Oct 14, 2021 — Join My Jewish Learning for a talk with Jewish studies professor Shaul Magid about his new book  “Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical.”
‘Meir Kahane’ Review: American Militant:  Elliot Kaufman, WSJ, May 11, 2022 — ‘Is This Any Way for Nice Jewish Boys to Behave?” The question was posed by the Jewish Defense League and its founder, Meir Kahane, in a cheeky 1969 ad. 
Reinventing the Canonical: The Radical Thinking of Jacob Taubes:  Martin Treml, From the book ‘Escape to Life’  Published by De Gruyter 2012 — Jacob Taubes (1923–1987) was no less than one of the most controversial figures of German Jewry after the Shoah, a professor of philosophy and an intriguing intellectual, a maniac driven by impulses of almost demonic force, and a reckless womanizer.
How the Ghosts of the Holocaust Haunted the 1960s, But Quietly: Atina Grossmann, Tablet, Sept. 18, 2014 — In so many ways, it seems that the Holocaust is much closer to us, in memory and consciousness, now, so many decades later, than it was then when our parents carried its fresh scars and their children, who came of age in the 1960s, were all about changing the world, heedless of their anxious memories and associations. 

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