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Isranet Daily Briefing


Padded Jacket with Jewish Star - Drobytsky Yar Holocaust M… | Flickr
Flickr Padded Jacket with Jewish Star - Drobytsky Yar Holocaust M… | Flickr

Ukraine and the Jews:  Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tablet, Mar. 13, 2022

No Sweeter Tea: Machla Abramovitz, Mishpacha Magazine, Feb. 9, 2022

After Decades of Building Their Lives in Ukraine, Jews are Once Again Fleeing the Country:  Miriam Berger, Washington Post, Mar. 10, 2022

Ukrainian Jews Seek Refuge in Israel:  Tania Krämer, DW, Mar. 23, 2022

For Further Reference:

16 Jews from Ukraine Who Changed the World:  Abby Seitz, My Jewish Learning, Passover 2022 Ukraine has had a significant and vibrant Jewish community going all the way back to the Middle Ages, but the history of Ukrainian Jewry has been difficult, and often marked by periods of intense antisemitism. In addition, it was not always easy to live in a region that was frequently unstable.

‘We Are That United Family’: Russia’s War Uproots Ukrainian Jews Amid False Nazi Claims:  Trevor Hughes, USA Today, Mar. 27, 2022 Olena Khorenjenko rolled her eyes at the idea that Nazis control her homeland, the baseless assertion Russian President Vladimir Putin made to defend his deadly military assault on Ukraine.

What Happened at Babi Yar, the Ukrainian Holocaust Site Reportedly Struck by a Russian Missile?:  Jeffrey Veidlinger, The Conservation, Mar. 8, 2022 On March 1, 2022, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a Russian strike against a TV tower in Kyiv killed five people near the site of the World War II massacre. (Contrary to initial reports, an under-construction memorial commemorating the tragedy appears to have escaped significant damage.)

Israeli Lawmakers Criticize Zelensky’s Holocaust Comparisons:  i24, Mar. 20, 2022 The comparison to the atrocities of the Holocaust and the Final Solution is outrageous’ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made several references to the Holocaust during Sunday’s virtual address to Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, drawing criticism from some lawmakers who heard the speech.

Nazi Collaborator Monuments in Ukraine:  Lev Golinkin, Forward, Jan. 26, 2022There are hundreds of statues and monuments in the United States and around the world to people who abetted or took part in the murder of Jews and other minorities during the Holocaust. As part of an ongoing investigation, the Forward has, for the first time, documented them in this collection of articles..


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