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Isranet Daily Briefing


No Pride in Israeli Apartheid! -CSDBerlin.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
No Pride in Israeli Apartheid! -CSDBerlin.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Shushan Purim Special: 

A Purim Message from the White House:  JTV, YouTube, Mar. 17, 2019 — A message from President Donald Trump you don’t want to miss.  Enjoy; it’s a classic!

Exposing The Lie of Israel Apartheid:  Col. Richard Kemp, Col. Richard, Feb.  4, 2022

Red Terror: How the Soviet Union Shaped the Modern Anti-Zionist Discourse:  Alex Ryvchin, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Sept. 2019

The KGB’s Man:  Ion Mihai Pacepa, WSJ, Sept. 22, 2003

Imagining Stalin’s Plot to Exile the Jews:  Ken Kalfus, New Yorker, Feb. 1, 2016

For Further Reference:

WATCH:  The Soviet Origins of Palestinian Antisemitism:  The Endowment of Middle East Peace, Jan. 27, 2022 — The United Nations Human Rights Council has voted on a resolution to fund a biased, one-sided “Commission of Inquiry” meant to demonize and delegitimize the state of Israel, labeling it an “Apartheid state.” Unbeknownst to many of us, this mendacious screed was concocted in Moscow during the Cold War, with the assistance of the Soviet propaganda machine. We are honored to host Colonel Richard Kemp, of the Royal British Army.

What Did KGB Get from Palestinian President?:  Michael Weiss, Daily Beast, Apr. 13, 2017 — In a way, it was the most anticlimactic news item of the year. In 1983 the KGB recruited Mahmoud Abbas, who is now president of the Palestinian National Authority and chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, according to two Israeli scholars researching Soviet-Palestinian relations.

The KGB’s Operation Sig: A 50-Year Campaign to Incite Hatred Of Israel And Jews:  Eli Cohen and Elizabeth Boyd:  Proceedings of the Informing Science plus Information Technology Education Conference, June 30 – July 4, 2019 –– The news today is full of reports of Russian successes in fomenting hatred and division in the US, Lithuania, Estonia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Denmark, Macedonia, United Kingdom, Poland, Czech Republic, Belarus, Germany, Spain, Finland, Canada, Turkey, Ukraine, Montenegro, Moldova, Indonesia, Brazil, France, Georgia, and others. 

The KGB and Anti-Israel Propaganda Operations: Eli Cohen and Elizabeth Boyd:  Informing Science:  The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 22, 2019 — Operation SIG is the KGB operation to sow worldwide disapproval for the US and Israel. SIG is the Russian acronym for Sionistskiye Gosudarstva, or “Jewish (or Zionist) Government.” The operation started shortly after 1967, when the drive for Arab unity collapsed along with the economies of the armies that attacked Israel (Shlaim, 2003). Wikipedia’s anonymous entry on Soviet terrorism lists the operation’s start as a few years later. We quote it below for completeness

The KGB’s Middle East Files: Palestinians in the Service of Mother Russia:  Ronen Bergman, Ynet News, Nov. 4, 2016 — The Soviet navy’s reconnaissance ship Kursograf was speeding through the waves on a moonless night in March 1970, making its way to the rendezvous point. Two weeks earlier, Marshal Dmitry Ustinov, at the time a senior defense official and later the Minister of Defense of the USSR, ordered the ship to leave its patrol assignment in the Pacific Ocean and quickly make its way to the military port of Vladivostok to collect several crates of cargo and one passenger. 

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