Eyes Open, Eyes Shut: Thoughts for Rosh Hashana: Rabbi Marc D. Angel, The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, September 2022 — Paul Gaugin, the famous 19th century French artist, commented: “When I want to see clearly, I shut my eyes.” He was referring to two different ways of perceiving reality. With our eyes open, we see surface reality—size, shape, color etc. But with our eyes shut, we contemplate the context of things, our relationship to them, the hidden meanings.
Why I Am a Jew: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Jonathan Sacks Legacy — In this new whiteboard animation, Rabbi Sacks explains why he is proud to be a Jew and what it is about Judaism that makes it so unique. This passionate appeal calls on Jews around the world, from across the political and religious spectrum, to connect to their people, heritage and faith.
Rosh Hashanah: The Original Meaning of Blowing a Teruah: Rabbi Shawn Ruby, The Torah.com, Sept. 2022
Judaism Is Mainly Text-Centered. Why Mark Its New Year with the Blunt, Inarticulate Noise of the Shofar?: Dov Lerner, Mosaic Magazine, Sept. 27, 2019
The Birthday of the World: Rosh Hashanah’s Meanings: Ernst Simon, Commentary, September 1955
A Good Year: Ready or Not, Here Comes Rosh Hashanah: Judy Lash Belint, JNS, Sept. 21, 2022

Rosh Hashanah Guide for the Perplexed, 2022: Yoram Ettinger, The Ettinger Report, Sept. 16, 2022 — The evening of September 25, 2022 will launch Jewish New Year of 5783.
Rosh Hashanah Bible, History, and Liturgy: The Torah.com
WATCH: Heads, Honey, Locusts, and Leeks: The Fascinating Foods of Rosh Hashanah and Jewish History – Video Stream: Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik, Sept. 20, 2022 — Why do some Jews eat leeks, dates, and even a sheep’s head on Rosh Hashanah? How did honey become the supreme symbol of the Jewish New Year? Why are some locusts kosher, and will Rabbi Soloveichik actually eat one live on camera?
‘A World Where Justice and Righteousness Prevail’ in the Rosh Hashanah Amidah: Ron Kronish, Algemeiner, Sept. 21, 2022 — One of my favorite High Holidays prayers is the U-v’khein, several paragraphs added to the Amidah, especially for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
10,000 Hasidic Jews Expected to Make Rosh Hashanah Pilgrimage to Uman, Ukrainian Official Says: Algemeiner staff, Algemeiner, Sept. 7, 2022 — Around 10,000 Hasidic Jews are expected to make the annual Jewish New Year pilgrimage to the Ukrainian city of Uman, despite warnings from the local authorities to stay away because of the high risk of a Russian attack.

Rosh Hashanah 101: My Jewish Learning — Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, is a fall holiday, taking place at the beginning of the month of Tishrei , which is actually the seventh month of the Jewish year (counting from Nisan in the spring).
Puerto Rico’s Synagogues Prepare for Rosh Hashanah in the Wake of Hurricane Fiona: Sarah Nachimson, Forward, Sept. 22, 2022 — Hurricane Fiona, which hit Puerto Rico over the weekend, left synagogues without water or power in the days leading up to the High Holidays.

Arabs vs Jews? Maybe Not | Ambassador Ron Dermer: Jordan B. Peterson, YouTube, Sept. 15, 2022
WATCH: Rosh Hashanah: Day of Judgment or a Day Of Joy?: Rabbi David Fohrman, Aleph Beta
How To Celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year); i24, YouTube, Sept. 6, 2021