Shabbat reading:
A 12th Century Derasha on Parashat Vayishlach: Reconstructing the Speaker’s Notes: Dr. Moshe Lavvee, Dr. Oded Rosenblum and Dr. Shana Strauch-Schick, The, Dec. 14, 2016 — Almost a century ago, a most unusual fragment was discovered at the Cairo Geniza. Rather cryptically, it only consists of a list of 4-8 biblical verses (usually from the Writings and Prophets) and 2-4 primarily mishnaic halakhot for each weekly parasha.
LISTEN: “Herzl’s Great Gift to the Jewish People Was a Leap of Hope”: Israel from Inside with Daniel Gordis, Dec. 7, 2022 — A conversation with Professor Gil Troy on the publication of Theodor Herzl’s complete writings. At a moment like this in Israel’s history, revisiting Herzl could not be more timely.
Theodor Herzl and the Jews’ Leap of Hope: Gil Troy, Jewish Journal, Aug. 18, 2022
Debut Novel Offers Original Perspective on Theodor Herzl: Ariel Bulshtein, Times of Israel, Aug. 28, 2022
Theodor Herzl, Myth, Reality, and the First Zionist Congress 125 Years Later: Bonnie K. Goodman, Times of Israel, Aug. 30, 2022
What Theodor Herzl’s Zionist-Utopian Novel Says About Israel Today: Ariel Sophia Bardi, New Lines Magazine, Nov. 11, 2022

Theodor Herzl after Basel: The New King of the Jews Visits Palestine: Gil Troy, Jewish Journal, Oct. 13, 2022 — The First Zionist Congress in 1897 electrified the Jewish masses – and stirred the (kosher) doubting Thomases.
Theodor Herzl: The Founder of Zionism was Ahead of His Time – Excerpt: Yosef Israel Abramowitz: Jerusalem Post, Aug. 13, 2022 — The Steineck Institute is housed in modest buildings on the lush southern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Its mission is to eradicate pandemics for the Jewish state, Africa and the world.
Creator of ‘Shtisel’ is Working on a Series About Theodor Herzl, Father of Modern Zionism: Philissa Cramer, JTA, Aug. 22, 2022 — Modern Jewish history’s most famous bearded political leader could be coming to streaming services soon, thanks to one of the creators of “Shtisel.”
120 Years Later, Israel Reveals Letter Sent by Sigmund Freud to Theodor Herzl: Itamar Eichner, Ynet News, Aug. 16, 2022 — A letter written by the Austrian Jewish psychologist Sigmond Freud and sent to Theodor (Binyamin Ze’ev) Herzl, founder of the Zionist Organization, has been revealed by Israel some 120 years after it was written.

Book Review: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State: Colin Shindler, Fathom Journal, Winter 2014 — In his autobiography, Chaim Weizmann commented that Theodor Herzl was ‘not of the people’ despite being an inspiring leader and brilliant organiser.
Theodor Herzl’s Cursed Children: Shalom Goldman, Tablet, May 2, 2022 — Theodor Herzl’s narrative about his ancestry has long been shrouded in legend.