Sapir Presents a Conversation with Pamela Zaresky and Jonathan Haidt: Sapir, Zoom webinar, Spring 2021
For Further Reference:
The Jewish Stake in the Battle Against Critical Race Theory: Jonathan S. Tobin, Jewish Journal, June 23, 2021 — What’s the latest racist threat to American democracy? According to a host of liberal publications, it’s the nationwide push to prevent the imposition of critical race theory doctrines on public education. Articles in publications like The New York Times, NBC and Axios claim grassroots efforts to stop local school boards from adopting curricula heavily influenced by radical ideas depicting America as an irredeemably racist nation are both racist in spirit and largely the work of right-wing conspiracy theorists who are being organized and funded by national conservative groups.
The Godfather of Critical Race Theory: Adam Kirsch, WSJ, July 2, 2021 — In the life of any big idea, there comes a moment when it stops belonging to the thinkers who invented it and becomes public property.
Can Vivek Ramaswamy Put Wokeism Out of Business?: Tunku Varadarajan, WSJ, June 25, 2021 — A self-made multimillionaire who founded a biotech company at 28, Vivek Ramaswamy is every inch the precocious overachiever.
The Distortions of Woke Martyrdom: Theodore Dalrymple, Law & Liberty, June 28, 2021 — Haiti is one of those countries that you can leave after a visit, but that never quite leaves you. Its history is so heroic and so tragic, its present condition often so appalling, its culture so fascinating and its people so attractive, that even if it does not become the main focus of your intellectual attention, you never quite lose your interest in it, or in its history.
This Is Your Brain on Critical Race Theory: Charles C.W. Cooke, National Review, June 14, 2021 — Last week, the actor Tom Hanks responded to calls for a more robust accounting of America’s racial history by penning a piece in the New York Times about the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. “For all my study,” Hanks conceded, “I never read a page of any school history book about how, in 1921, a mob of white people burned down a place called Black Wall Street, killed as many as 300 of its Black citizens and displaced thousands of Black Americans who lived in Tulsa, Okla.”