CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican (2013)- Wikipedia
Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican (2013)- Wikipedia

Unfulfilled Promise:  Adam Gregerman, Tablet, Nov. 19, 2024
The Pope´s Genocide Canard:  Julian Schvindlerman, Times of Israel, Nov. 19, 2024
Pope Francis Turns on Israel: Editorial Board, WSJ, Nov. 19, 2024

Pope Francis and The Junta: In Search of What Really Happened in Argentina:  Doug Saunders, The Globe and Mail, Mar. 16, 2013


Rebecca: A Woman of Agency:  Dr. Miryam Brand, The, Nov. 6, 2023 – In the tapestry of biblical and ancient Near Eastern legal collections, women are often depicted as having restricted agency.[1] Within this world, women are predominantly cast as individuals whose destinies are tightly tethered, first to their fathers and then to their husbands. The exchange of a bride price, a financial transaction sealing marital bonds, unfolded without much regard for the desires or wishes of the brides themselves.


For Further Reference:

Sephardi Chief Rabbi Demands Pope Francis Retract Suggestion that Gaza War May Be Genocide Lazar Berman, Times of Israel, Nov. 20, 2024 — Sephardi Chief Rabbi David Yosef blasts Pope Francis’s suggestion that Israel might be committing genocide in Gaza, saying the pontiff is taking the side of murderers and not the victims.
Israeli Envoy Rejects Pope’s Call to Examine If ‘Genocide’ Occurring in GazaAgencesTimes of Israel, Nov. 17, 2024 — Israel’s ambassador to the Vatican rejects Pope Francis suggesting the global community should study whether Israel’s military campaign in Gaza constitutes a genocide of the Palestinian people, saying that the only act of genocide was Hamas’s massacre of Israelis.
Why Pope Francis Has Become a Political Lightning Rod in Argentina Clemente List, Religion Unplugged, Aug. 23, 2023 — The Argentine people have a series of notable figures that most admire and revere. They include soccer idols Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi, activist and politician Eva Peron and tango star Carlos Gardel.

What to Expect from Vatican-US Relations as Trump Returns to Office Christopher White, National Catholic Reporter, Nov. 22, 2024 — In 2022, the Vatican’s foreign minister didn’t mince words that the Holy See enjoyed better relations with the Biden administration than the Trump regime.


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