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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Democratic National Convention - Invesco | DNC Convention in… | Flickr
Democratic National Convention - Invesco | DNC Convention in… | Flickr

Psalms for Our Times: Rashi Counters Christological Readings Prof. Rabbi Mordechai Z. Cohen, The,  Aug. 2, 2024  — It is becoming increasingly accepted that Rashi reacted polemically to Christian beliefs and Bible interpretation, and that, throughout his commentaries, he was implicitly refuting the Christian claim that God had rejected Israel. He thus made the Bible a vehicle for upholding the faith of the Jewish people in their dark exile in Christian Europe. As Avraham Grossman puts it, the great sage of Troyes “actualized” the text of Scripture: that is to say, he read the biblical text as being directly relevant to the situation of the Jewish people of his time. This endeavor is particularly evident in Rashi’s commentary on the Psalms.

 The Anti-Jewish Candidate:  Melanie Phillips, JNS, Aug. 22, 2024 — Lauren Holtzblatt, a rabbi in Washington, D.C., caused outrage at her synagogue earlier this month when she declared that American Jews need to elect Kamala Harris as president of the United States to comply with “sacred texts.”
The Weird, Creepy, Surreal – and Dangerous – 2024 Campaign Victor Davis Hanson, WIN, Aug. 19, 2024 — The already-long 2024 presidential campaign has become the strangest in modern history.


No, Mr. President, the Protesters Don’t Have a Point:  Eli Lake, Tablet, Aug. 21, 2024
Exposing the Vile Antisemitism of the ‘Pro-Palestinian’ Activists:  Adam Milstein, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 23, 2024
The Fight Over Having a Palestinian Speaker at the DNC:  Seth Mandel, Commentary, Aug. 22, 2024
A Decade of Ignorance:  Mike Gonzalez, City Journal, Aug. 21, 2024

For Further Reference:

WATCH: The DNC Mutiny Behind the Scenes:  Caroline B. Glick, JNS, Aug. 22, 2024 While Jewish Democrats kvelled over-representation at the Democratic National Convention, there was a “quiet” riot happening behind the scenes. In this episode of “In Focus,” we’ll look behind the curtain to figure out who is running the modern-day Democratic Party.

At DNC, Harris Says She Will Always Defend Israel, Calls Gaza Suffering ‘Heartbreaking’JNS, Aug. 23, 2024 U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are “working around the clock” to “get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done,” Harris said at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Thursday, as she formally accepted her party’s nomination for president.

Biden Sees a Very Fine ‘Point’ on ‘Both Sides’:  Alan M. Dershowitz, WSJ, Aug. 20, 2024 — An anti-Israel mob Monday afternoon breached the outer security perimeter of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, tearing down a section of the fence and throwing objects at police officers.

A Jewish Leftist, Hoist on His Own Petard:  Seth Mandel, Commentary, Aug. 22, 2024 Perhaps the phrase “a teaching moment” is overused, but there is no better way to describe what happened Tuesday night in Brooklyn. 

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