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Daily Briefing: “NEWS OF THE WEEK” IN REVIEW (October 1, 2021)

 Media-ocrities of the Week

U.S. Haiti Envoy Quits In Disgust Over Expulsions:  Daina Beth Solomon and Humeyra Pamuk, National Post, Sept. 24, 2021

This is a challenging moment that requires leadership. It is unfortunate that, instead of participating in a solutions-oriented policy process, Special Envoy Foote has both resigned and mischaracterized the circumstances of his resignation.” –Ned Price, U.S. State Department spokesman, responding to the resignation of Daniel Foote, American Special Envoy to Haiti, saying “I will not be associated with the United States’ inhumane, counter-productive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees and illegal immigrants”, in a letter sent to American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Biden Condemns Border Patrol Treatment of Haitian Migrants as Expulsions Continue:  Katie Rogers and Michael D. Shear, NY Times, Sept. 24, 2021

[President Biden:] “It’s outrageous. I promise you, these people will pay. There will be an investigation, under way now, and here will be consequences. There will be consequences.”
[Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, added;] “…the President is not ‘prejudging’ the outcome of the investigation”.
[Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security Secretary:] [The images] “painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against racism.”
[Vice-President Kamala Harris:] “evoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.”

Weekly Quotes

“… These terror groups [Hezbollah, Shia militias, Islamic Jihad and Hamas] seek to dominate the Middle East and spread radical Islam across the world. What do they all have in common? They all want to destroy my country, And they’re all backed by Iran… Iran seeks to dominate the region — and seeks to do so under a nuclear umbrella. For the past three decades Iran has spread its carnage and destruction around the Middle East, country after country: Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza. What do all these places have in common? They are all falling apart. Their citizens — hungry and suffering. Their economies —collapsing. Like the Midas touch, Iran’s regime has the “Mullah-touch” — Every place Iran touches —fails. If you think Iranian terror is confined to the Israel– you’re wrong….” – Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett address to the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Includes video.  (Jewish Press, Sept. 27, 2021)

We’re the solution smack in the middle of the toughest region in the world and “we’re not going anywhere.  The very essence of us here, is that terror is at bay, to a degree.” — Israeli PM Naftali Bennett to American Jewish leaders following his address at the UN General Assembly.  (World Israel News, Sept. 29, 2021)

“Yes, I wept. I wept at the complete lack of care for the human beings that are impacted by these decisions. I wept at an institution choosing a path of maximum volatility and minimum consideration for its own political convenience.” –Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes (Dem., N.Y.), apologizing for not voting against the 420-9 House supplementary vote for $1 billion to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system, which had earlier been excised from a financial authorization bill under pressure from the antisemitic “Squad” progressives. (NY Times, Sept. 29, 2021)

“In nine years in the Senate, I’ve never cried after a vote. If @aoc is ashamed of her “present” vote, maybe she should just have voted “no” like the other anti-Semitic members of the Squad.” – tweeted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas.) (Twitter, Sept. 24, 2021)

“In short, as National Review’s Dan McLaughlin tweeted: “To Mark Milley, the General Lee who has been dead for 151 years is a dire threat, but the General Li who commands the world’s largest army on behalf of a murderous tyranny is a chump.” That is damning almost beyond words. Milley’s direct attack on civilian control of the military is but the latest indication that our wokeist ruling class will take no prisoners in its systemic assault upon the very pillars of the American constitutional order.” – columnist Josh Hammer.  (NY Post, Sept. 17, 2021)

“I am calling on the international community and the world to eliminate terrorism in Afghanistan. So many people have died in this war, so many left injured, so many people displaced internally, so much grief and suffering and now, Afghanistan has been entirely abandoned. … Neither peace has come to Afghanistan, nor our rights have been protected. I am really disappointed by the silence of the international community.” — Humaira Rasuli, founder and executive director of the Kabul-based Women for Justice Organization, who fled the country, and is now in hiding.  She spoke from a military camp in the U.S. (The Globe and Mail, Sept. 22, 2021)

“Bidenization may be defined as a conspicuous and humiliating failure in every major area of government activity… there is no precedent for a United States administration being uniformly consistent in turning every major public policy area to disaster.” – Conservative columnist Conrad Black.  (American Greatness, Sept. 20, 2021)

“…the liberal order in America (and Europe) is under attack–are bereft of good faith, the education system idealizes self-hatred and sexual and not without reason. Political debates in Washington a confusion, and even corporate leaders—who until yesterday could be counted on to champion patriotism and hard work—eagerly recite the maxims of idiots.” – Barton Swain in an interview with authors Benjamin and Jenna Storey.  Their recently released book Why We Are Restless tackles the issue of human happiness.  (WSJ, Sept. 17, 2021)

Short Takes

MAJ. GEN. TOMER BAR NAMED NEXT ISRAELI AIR FORCE CHIEF (Jerusalem) — Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar, the next commander of the Israeli Air Force, is slated to replace IAF chief Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin.  He is a veteran fighter pilot who served as the head of an operational squadron and as commander of the Tel Nof Airbase. (JNS, Sept. 29, 2021)

FM LAPID SLAMMED FOR BLAMING NETANYAHU FOR PROGRESSIVES’ PRESSURE IN CONGRESS (Jerusalem) — Foreign Minister Yair Lapid faced sharp criticism after blaming former PM Benjamin Netanyahu for anti-Israel pressure in the US Congress by progressives. In response, the Likud party, led by Netanyahu, stated that Lapid’s “false assertions” about Netanyahu and the Democrats “once again reveal his incredible ignorance.” (Jewish Press, Sept. 23, 2021)

ISRAEL BATTLING HOSPITAL CRISIS AS 79% OF CRITICAL CORONA PATIENTS ARE UNVACCINATED (Jerusalem) — Six hundred and sixty-nine new Corona patients aged 60 and under in Israel were hospitalized in critical condition in September. The same data show that 531 (79%) of these critical patients were not vaccinated at all, 120 received two vaccine doses, and only 18 received the third dose as well. In other words, only 2.7% of critical Corona patients received the booster shot, while the country’s hospitals are collapsing under the burden of more than 93% of critical patients who failed to follow the medical establishment’s advice. (Jewish Press, Sept. 23, 2021)

ISRAEL CELEBRATES FAILURE OF 20TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT OF UN’S DURBAN CONFERENCE (NYC) — Israel celebrated its diplomatic achievements, which brought the withdrawal of 34 countries from a United Nations event marking the 20th anniversary of the infamous Durban Conference. The first conference in 2001 turned into an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bashing festival, Israel waged a diplomatic campaign to ensure this event failed. No head of state spoke at the event, except the South African president who sponsored the rally. (Jewish Press, Sept. 23, 2021)

ISRAEL ‘HAS A YEAR TO WITHDRAW FROM ALL PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES,’ ABBAS SAYS AT UNGA (NYC) — Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly via video link, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas posed an ultimatum before Israel, saying it had “one year to withdraw from all the Palestinian territories.” Failing that, he said, the Authority will turn to the International Court of Justice. (Algemeiner, Sept. 24, 2021)

PRO-ISRAEL’ US SENATOR RELEASES VIDEO WITH BDS SUPPORTER (Washington) — Democratic lawmaker Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) released a pro-union video that featured him together with Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani, who promotes the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). Schumer, who is Jewish, opposes BDS unlike Mamdani who supports various left-wing causes, including BDS and the movement to defund police departments. (United With Israel, Sept. 23, 2021)

NEW YORK TIMES PUBLISHES YOM KIPPUR CORRECTION ON JEWISH SOVEREIGNTY IN LAND OF ISRAEL (NYC) — The New York Times issued a Yom Kippur correction for an article that had falsely stated that previous periods of Jewish sovereignty in Israel had lasted for no more than “about 70 or 80 years.” The Times correction — published in print on Thursday, September 16, the Day of Atonement — reads, “An article on Sunday about the film ‘Legend of Destruction’ referred imprecisely to the time periods when Jews enjoyed sovereignty in the land in ancient times. While the first period of unified sovereignty some 3,000 years ago is believed to have lasted for less than a century, separate kingdoms remained sovereign for hundreds of years.” (Algemeiner, Sept. 27, 2021)

UK LABOUR LEADERS CONDEMN ANTI-ISRAEL MOTION PASSED AT ANNUAL PARTY CONFERENCE (London) — A resolution condemning Israel for the “ongoing Nakba in Palestine” and calling for a ban on British trade with Israeli settlements was approved at the UK Labour Party’s annual conference, drawing a rebuke from party leaders. Brought to vote by the Young Labour section of the party, the resolution also pledged to support sanctions against Israel. (Algemeiner, Sept. 27, 2021)

SAN DIEGO TEACHERS’ UNION PASSES RESOLUTION REJECTING ISRAEL’S LEGITIMACY (San Diego) — The San Diego chapter of the American Federation of Teachers passed a resolution rejecting Israel’s legitimacy as a country and accusing the Israeli government of carrying out ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and war crimes against Palestinians. (World Israel News, Sept. 25, 2021)

TEXAS ADDS BEN & JERRY’S, UNILEVER TO LIST OF COMPANIES BOYCOTTING ISRAEL (Dallas) — The ice-cream company Ben & Jerry’s and its British parent company Unilever have officially been added to the list of companies in Texas that boycott Israel, announced Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar. Under Chapter 808, Texas law prohibits companies from refusing, terminating business or taking “any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on or limit commercial relations” with Israel. Companies that boycott the Jewish state could face having Texas “sell, redeem, divest or withdraw all publicly traded securities of the company.” (JNS, Sept. 24, 2021)

TORONTO MEN CAUGHT WITH BOMB-MAKING MANUALS, AL-QAEDA LITERATURE ON PHONES, DOCUMENTS ALLEGE (Toronto) — Six months after Kevin Omar Mohamed‘s prison sentence for terrorism came to an end, the RCMP’s Toronto O-INSET national security team decided to check up on him. What they found set off alarms. Not only was he violating his probation by using a smartphone, he’d downloaded al-Qaeda literature, manuals on bombs and poisons, and a tract justifying the killing of women and children.  He was also seen meeting with Daniel Khoshnood, another former inmate who had a history of violence and whose phone contained more than 200 Taliban, ISIS and al-Qaeda videos, as well as bomb-making guides.. (Global News, Sept. 23, 2021)

TORONTO ACTIVIST UNDER FIRE FOR ANTI-ISRAEL RANT DURING ADDRESS TO TEACHERS (Toronto) — An address to educators by a prominent Toronto activist landed with a thud, and has city Jewish groups demanding answers from the school board. Hired to conduct an anti-Black racism seminar with Toronto District School Board (TDSB) teachers, author Desmond Cole reportedly veered from his prepared remarks to lecture teachers on Palestine, claiming those troubled by the phrase ‘Free Palestine’ have a vested interest in the continued oppression of Palestinian people. (Toronto Sun, Sept. 27, 2021)

YORK UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION CRITICIZED FOR TAPPING PRO-BDS JEWISH GROUP TO HOLD ANTISEMITISM TRAINING (Toronto) — The York Federation of Students (YSF) — which represents over 53,000 undergraduate students at the Ontario, Canada research university — had reportedly first selected Yavilah McCoy, an African-American Jew and CEO of Dimensions Inc., a Boston-based diversity consultancy, for the session. But YSF later tapped Independent Jewish Voices of Canada (IJV) — a group that describes itself as the “first national Jewish organization to endorse the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.” Jay Solomon, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Officer of Hillel Ontario, said that Hillel York had been calling on the YFS to address “systemic antisemitism” in its operations for over a decade. (Algemeiner, Sept. 30, 2021)

LAST CANADIAN SUSPECTED OF NAZI WAR CRIMES DIES BEFORE HE CAN BE DEPORTED (Ottawa) — Helmut Oberlander, 97, the last Canadian facing allegations of Nazi war crimes, died on Monday. Oberlander had been in a legal battle with Canada’s federal government since 1995, when Canadian authorities opened an investigation into his alleged involvement in atrocities during World War II. The government claimed that during his 1954 immigration, Oberlander had hidden his role as a Nazi death squad interpreter. He obtained citizenship in 1960. (Jewish Press, Sept. 23, 2021)

BREAKING: ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FILED AGAINST BIDEN (Washington) — Ohio’s Rep. Bob Gibbs officially introduced articles of impeachment to the House of Representatives. Rep. Gibbs referred to a list a of grievances that included a crisis at the border, abuse of federal authority and the polarizing withdrawal of Afghanistan. Among the reasons, was an accusation that Biden improperly used federal power by using of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to enforce an eviction moratorium that has now been struck down by the Supreme Court. (Diamond and Silk, Sept. 22, 2021)

DURHAM ISSUES FRESH ROUND OF SUBPOENAS IN HIS CONTINUING PROBE OF FBI INVESTIGATION INTO TRUMP, RUSSIA (Washington) — Special Counsel John Durham has issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, an indication that Durham could be trying to build a broader criminal case.  The grand jury subpoenas for documents came earlier this month after Durham charged Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann with lying to the FBI in a September 2016 meeting. (CNN, Sept. 30, 2021)

GEN. MILLEY CONTRADICTS BIDEN, SAYS HE ADVISED KEEPING 2,500 TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN (Washington) — Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said he recommended keeping 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan prior to the chaotic military withdrawal in August — a bombshell that contradicts President Joe Biden’s assertion he got no such direction. Milley also told the Senate committee he won’t resign his post out of protest over Biden’s refusing his advice. (Newsmax, Sept. 28, 2021)

MARINE WHO SPOKE OUT AGAINST LEADERS JAILED BEFORE HEARING (Washington) — The Marine who had spoken out in August against the Biden administration’s senior military leadership over the unconditional Afghanistan withdrawal was jailed by the Marine Corps for violating a gag order with a social media post over the weekend. (Newsmax, Sept. 27, 2021)

CUTTING OFF HANDS, EXECUTIONS ARE NECESSARY: TALIBAN LEADER TO REINTRODUCE AMPUTATIONS IN NEW AFGHAN REGIME (Kabul) — Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, a founder of the Taliban who will control prisons under the new government in Afghanistan, has revealed that harsh punishments, including amputations and executions, will return to the country. . (LindaIkejisblog, Sept. 24, 2021)

                        For Further Reference

WATCH: Kamala Harris Praises Student for Saying Israel Commits Ethnic Genocide, Voicing ‘Her Truth’ United With Israel, Sept. 29, 2021 — During an event at George Mason University, a student told Vice President Kamala Harris that she was upset that U.S. aid is being given to Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

New Poll: One Piece of Bad News for Biden after Another Dan McLaughlin, The National Review, Sept. 29, 2021 — The latest YouGov national tracking poll— covering 1,500 adults, conducted over the past three days — is full of fascinating tidbits. The poll is loaded with grisly news of American pessimism and all sorts of hurt for Joe Biden and his party.

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