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Isranet Daily Briefing


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2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength:  Heritage FoundationAs currently postured, the U.S. military is at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests. It is rated as weak relative to the force needed to defend national interests on a global stage against actual challenges in the world as it is rather than as we wish it were.

US Military Rated As ‘Weak,’ May Not Be Able to Win One War, As Tensions Grow with China, Russia:  Caitlin Doornbos, NY Post, Oct. 18, 2022

Drills, Drones and Deterrence:  Jed Babbin, Washington Times, Oct. 21, 2022

China’s Military Is Catching Up to the U.S. Is It Ready for Battle?:  Alastair Gale, WSJ, Oct. 20, 2022

The ‘Anti-Navy’ the U.S. Needs Against the Chinese Military:  Mike Gallagher, WSJ, Oct. 25. 2022

Russia Ukraine War – Day 39: Horrific findings after Russian retreat | Flickr

Fearing Russian False Flag in Ukraine, US Launches Plan to Track Arms:  Joe Gould, Defense News, Oct. 27, 2022  — The U.S. State Department released plans Thursday to better track weapons supplied to Ukraine, voicing fears Russian forces could capture and use them to fabricate an attack by Ukrainian forces.

White House Rejects Promoting General Involved in Capitol Riot Response:  Dan Lamothe, Washington Post, Oct. 29, 2022The White House rejected a recommendation by senior Pentagon officials to promote an Army general who came under intense scrutiny after the Pentagon’s slow response to the riot at the Capitol, defense officials said, pushing the officer to a near-certain retirement.

The Avoidable US-China War – A Conversation with Dr. Condoleezza Rice And Kevin RuddHoover Institution, YouTube, Oct. 7, 2022 

Is the U.S. Ready for a Cold War with China?Potomac Watch, WSJ, Podcast, Oct. 18, 2022With Xi Jinping poised this week to win another term as China’s leader, the country’s course seems set for confrontational nationalism, and perhaps an attempt to take Taiwan by force. But the U.S. seems woefully unprepared for a new Cold War, as the Pentagon misses recruitment targets and Congress focuses on social spending instead of buying ships and airplanes.


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