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Isranet Daily Briefing


Can We Trust the Media to Report the Truth About a New Iran Deal? Jonathan Tobin, Algemeiner, Feb. 21, 2022 In the spring of 2016, The New York Times Magazine published an article that was the Rosetta Stone for understanding media coverage of foreign policy during the presidency of Barack Obama.

Exclusive: Iran Nuclear Deal Draft Puts Prisoners, Enrichment, Cash First, Oil Comes Later – Diplomats:  Francois Murphy, Parisa Hafezi, and John Irish, Reuters, Feb. 17, 2022

Iran Nuclear Deal Inches Toward Revival but Faces Critics in U.S.: Lara Jakes, NY Times, Feb. 17, 2022

Israel Said Readying for Signing of ‘Spectacularly Bad’ Iran Deal Next Week: Times of Israel staff, Times of Israel, Feb. 18, 2022

West Is on Verge of Signing ‘Surrender Pact’ With Iran:  Jacob Nagel, FDD, Feb. 18, 2022


For Further Reference:

Decision On Nuclear Deal Days Away, Ball in Tehran’s Court: France John Irish, Reuters, Feb. 16, 2022 — France on Wednesday said a decision on salvaging Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers was just days away and that it was now up to Tehran to make the political choice while Tehran called on Western powers to be “realistic.”
How Biden Officials Broke Pledges To Enforce Iran Sanctions:  Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon,  Feb. 17, 2022 — Senior Biden administration officials pledged in sworn testimony to Congress they would robustly enforce sanctions on Iran. More than one year after these promises, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) says there is mounting evidence the officials lied to Congress.
Iran’s ‘Verbal’ War Against Israel Continues – Analysis Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post, Feb. 20, 2022 — Iran seems to come out with new threats and verbal bashing of Israel every day. From anger over claims that Israel overflies Saudi airspace, to bashing Israel for “child killing,” the Iranian media-military verbal onslaught is continuous.
China, Russia, and the Nuclear Talks in Vienna: The Gift that Keeps Giving Bat Chen Feldman and Galia Lavi, INSS Insight No. 1557, Feb. 21, 2022 — The talks in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 countries about the return of the United States to the nuclear treaty (JCPOA) have continued intermittently for many months, and they appear to be approaching the moment of decision.

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