Report Buried: Help Reveal the True Number of Palestinian Refugees: Created by C.B. on January 03, 2021, We the People — The United Nations treats Palestinians differently from any other group, counting unlimited generations and even resettled people as “refugees.” … Please sign our petition encouraging the White House to release the State Department report, which could breathe new life into progress toward a Middle East peace, based on principles of transparency.
Trump Recording Puts His Party At Risk: Lawrence Martin, Globe and Mail, Jan. 5, 2021“His being caught on tape trying to overthrow democracy could have far-reaching consequences… Egomaniacs can;’ accept defeat. Mr. Trump couldn’t go out with dignity, an alien concept for him. Burdened by his narcissism, ensconced in his delusional world, he could only continue to wreak havoc on the republic… If…the Trump Republicans don’t go down like a shot dog in Georgia after this, what a pathetic statement it will be on how American standards have fallen…there is no telling what Mr. Trump will do, fearing he may even use the armed forces to stay in power…. Being caught on tape trying to overthrow democracy could affect the fate of two runoff elections in Georgia He saved his worst for last. It’s stunning that an American president’s actions …”
Ivanka the Inevitable? That’s a Worrying Prospect: Nina Khrushcheva, Globe and Mail, Jan. 4, 2021“… she seems to have internalized her father’s teachings in callousness, added a dutiful Stepford wife veneer, and established herself as his most formidable—and dangerous—heir…She is as soulless and cutthroat as her father…a step beyond corruption… [If she becomes President in 2024, unlike] Kamala Harris (who owes her success to her own hard work) it will not be because she deserves it. And she will use her power just as her father has: for the Trumps and no one else.”
Ivanka the Inevitable? That’s a Worrying Prospect: Nina Khrushcheva, Globe and Mail, Jan. 4, 2021“… she seems to have internalized her father’s teachings in callousness, added a dutiful Stepford wife veneer, and established herself as his most formidable—and dangerous—heir…She is as soulless and cutthroat as her father…a step beyond corruption… [If she becomes President in 2024, unlike] Kamala Harris (who owes her success to her own hard work) it will not be because she deserves it. And she will use her power just as her father has: for the Trumps and no one else.”
“This is a significant escalation. Enriching to 20% constitutes about 90% of the necessary work to produce weapons-grade uranium. Twenty percent poses a more serious proliferation risk, and stockpiling material at this level will begin to reduce Iran’s breakout time more quickly.” — Kelsey Davenport of the Washington-based Arms Control Association told The Independent as regards Iran’s possible nuclear break-out time. The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a top-ranked think tank in Washington that keeps its finger on the pulse of the Iranian nuclear program, tweeted Tuesday that once Iran has enough uranium enriched to 20% purity, the breakout time – the time it needs to produce 90% bomb-grade uranium – would drop to only six weeks. (WIN, Jan. 5, 2021)
“Today, we have no problem, concern or apprehension toward encountering any powers. We will give our final words to our enemies on the battlefield,” – Gen. Hossein Salami said at a ceremony at Tehran University, commemorating the upcoming one-year anniversary of the U.S. drone strike in Baghdad that killed Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who headed the expeditionary Quds force. Several top Iranian officials, along with Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese allies and members of Soleimani’s family, were in attendance. Soleimani’s replacement, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, said at the ceremony that Iran was not afraid of confronting “powers,” again without naming the U.S. He also warned that “freedom seekers” within the U.S. could retaliate for the attack that killed Soleimani, telling America that “inside your own home, there might be those who want to respond to the crime that you committed.” The head of Iran’s judiciary, Ebrahim Raisi, said all those who had a role in Soleimani’s killing will not be able to “escape law and justice,” even if they were a U.S. president. Also, Iran’s Foreign Ministry tweeted that Iran will not rest until perpetrators of Soleimani’s killing are brought to justice. (Telegraph Herald, Jan. 1, 2021)
“Well, every major media is taking it out of context. He’s not saying I want you to create the vote. He’s not saying I want you to manufacture or concoct the votes. He’s saying, and he’s been saying this for months, on Twitter and his statements and his campaign’s, he thinks that people voted for him and those votes weren’t counted. He’s entitled as a citizen, as a candidate, to say, ‘I want you to find those votes, I want you to find the votes that will pass for me and what weren’t counted, I want you to find votes that were cast against me that shouldn’t have been counted — by people who are dead people, who are out of state. I’ve been teaching criminal law for over 50 years. I went through every word of that transcript, there is no crime there, period.” – Democratic Defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz said during an interview on the Just the News television show “The Watercooler with David Brody” in which he discussed reports that Trump’s comments to Georgia officials amounted to a request to manufacture votes and overturn the election. (Just the News, Jan. 5, 2021)
“Retail clerks and nurses and my barber have demonstrated far more bravery (and common sense) in 2020 than our chattering classes and our public sector and even, strangely, our youth generally, who seem unreasonably cowed by COVID. We are accustomed to our era of unprecedented safety and predictability. Are we the weaker for it? [We have witnessed] the sorry spectacle of our health- care failures; cancel-culture; the violence and intolerance of an increasingly rampant and authoritarian left; China’s ghastly tyranny and bellicosity—in the face of which Ottawa is so strangely, inexplicably submissive, and shameful anti- American feelings…It’s been frightening and dismaying.” – Writes Richard C. Owens, a Senior Munk Fellow of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, a long-time adjunct professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and a lawyer. (Financial Post, Dec. 30, 2020)
ISRAEL’S POPULATION APPROACHES 10 MILLION, A DOUBLING IN PAST 30 YEARS (Jerusalem) — In its annual year-end announcement, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) reported that as of December 31 there are 6,870,000 Jews (73.9% of the total population), 1,956,000 Arabs (21.1%) and 456,000 other ethnic groups (5.0%). The total is almost double the 4.8 million people who lived in Israel in 1990. The population increased this year by 151,000 persons (1.7%) with 176,000 new babies of whom 73.8% were born to Jewish mothers, 23.4% to Arab mothers and 2.8% to mothers of other ethnicities. (WIN, Dec. 31, 2020)
ISRAEL STUNS OBSERVERS WITH LIGHTNING-FAST COVID-19 VACCINE ROLLOUT (Jerusalem) — Over one million Israelis have now been vaccinated against the coronavirus in the first weeks of the country’s rollout, a per capita rate that is by far the fastest internationally and which has stunned observers from around the world. More than 11% of the country’s population has now been given the COVID-19 vaccine — more than three times the next-fastest country, Bahrain, and well above the global average of 0.13%, according to data from Oxford University’s Our World in Data. (Algemeiner, Jan. 1, 2021)
ONE MILLION MODERNA VACCINE DOSES TO ARRIVE IN ISRAEL NEXT WEEK (Jerusalem) — A shipment of one million Moderna vaccines to fight the coronavirus are expected to arrive in Israel next week. The vaccine was originally scheduled to arrive in the Jewish State sometime in March 2021; however, the shipment will now land at Ben Gurion International Airport as early as next week. In response to the report, the Ministry of Health said they are unaware if Moderna intends to send the shipment over early. (Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020)
20% MORE DECOMPOSED ELDERLY AND DESTITUTE ISRAELIS DISCOVERED IN 2020 (Jerusalem) — In 2020, ZAKA volunteers dealt with 157 horrific incidents of elderly and destitute people who were discovered in their homes, in a state of decay, days and even weeks after death. This represents a shocking 20% increase over last year (130 cases). Several of the victims were found in red cities: Jerusalem (18 cases), Beer Sheva (13 cases) and Petah Tikva (12 cases). Most, but not all, were elderly people living alone, with no one to care for them or check on their well-being – a situation exacerbated by the isolation and lockdowns that characterized 2020. (Jewish Press, Jan. 1, 2021)
GREECE, ISRAEL TO SIGN LARGEST-EVER DEFENSE PROCUREMENT DEAL (Jerusalem) — Under the $1.68 billion, 20-year contract, Israel’s Defense Ministry and Elbit Systems will establish and operate a flight school for the Greek air force. (JNS, Jan. 5, 2021)
THE NEW ISRAELI AMBASSADOR URGES UK TO MOVE ITS EMBASSY TO JERUSALEM (London) — Israel’s new ambassador to the United Kingdom Tzipi Hotovely has called on the British government to move its embassy to Jerusalem, defended the settlements, and said that Brexit would “help” trade between the nations. In a wide-ranging interview with the Jewish Chronicle. (WIN, Dec. 31, 2020)
US POLICY OF LABELING WEST BANK PRODUCTS AS ‘MADE IN ISRAEL’ TAKES EFFECT (Washington) — The U.S. policy of requiring products made in Israeli settlements in the West Bank as “Made in Israel” took effect last week, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. CBP published a notice in The Federal Register, the daily journal of the U.S. government, on Dec. 23. (JNS, Dec. 29, 2020)
ISRAEL ANNOUNCES INITIATIVE TO COMBAT ILLEGAL TAKEOVER OF STATE LAND IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA (Jerusalem) — In a joint press release, the Settlement Ministry Tzachi Hanegbi and the Prime Minister’s Office announced that the government will be allocating NIS 20 million in 2021 toward vehicle and drone patrols that will collect information on illegal activities to seize lands in Area C of Judea and Samaria. (Jewish Press, Jan. 1, 2021)
ISRAEL BEGINS 2021 WITH HUNDREDS OF JEWS RETURNING FROM LOST TRIBES IN ETHIOPIA, INDIA (Jerusalem) — A group 300 new immigrants from Ethiopia landed Thursday night at Ben Gurion Airport and on Sunday five members of the Bnei Menashe community in India are expected to land in Israel, joining a group of 252 who arrived on aliyah two weeks ago. They are part of a 7,000-member community in northern India while some 4,000 Bnei Menashe already live in Israel. (United With Israel,Jan. 1, 2021)
UAE NABS IRANIAN TERROR SQUAD PLOTTING TO ATTACK ISRAELIS (Abu Dhabi) — An Iranian terror squad was broken up by UAE intelligence in the capital of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.From Iran’s point-of-view, visiting Israelis make a soft target and one easily reached. (WIN, Jan. 4, 2021)
IRANIAN PRESENCE IN CRISIS-RIDDEN VENEZUELA IS GROWING, WARNS TOP ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES OFFICIAL (Tehran) — In an extensive interview, David Smolansky — the OAS General Secretariat’s Commissioner tasked with responding to the growing humanitarian crisis facing migrants fleeing economic breakdown and political repression in Venezuela — warned that Iran was at the center of a “criminal hub” in the region. (Algemeiner, Jan. 1, 2021)
US STRATEGIC BOMBERS FLOWN OVER GULF IN MESSAGE TO IRAN (Washington) — The United States flew strategic bombers over the Persian Gulf for the second time this month, in what the U.S. Central Command said was a defensive action. A senior U.S. military officer told the AP that the flight by two Air Force B-52 bombers was a response to intelligence that Iran may be planning to carry out attacks against U.S. allied targets in Iraq or elsewhere in the region in the coming days. (JNS, Dec. 31, 2020)
PENTAGON ORDERS AIRCRAFT CARRIER NIMITZ, ON ITS WAY HOME, TO TURN AROUND FOLLOWING IRANIAN THREATS(Washington) — The Department of Defense said that it has ordered the USS Nimitz, a nuclear-powered aircraft, to turn around following new threats and actions from Iran, which comes just several days after the carrier was ordered to return home after providing cover for U.S. forces that were returning home from the Middle East. The announcement comes after top Iranian officials suggested following the new year that the Islamic Republic of Iran may seek to assassinate President Donald Trump in retaliation for last year’s killing of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force (IRGC-QF), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. (DW, Jan. 4, 2021)
US, ISRAEL VOTE ‘NO’ ON UN BUDGET OVER ANTI-ISRAEL, IRAN ISSUES (Washington) — The United States and Israel voted against the United Nations 2021 budget during the conclave of the world body’s General Assembly this week – a vote usually passed by consensus. Among the reasons cited by US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft for her nation’s opposition was a line in the UN budget to fund an event marking the 20th anniversary of the 2001 Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA). (Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020)
EGYPT CRACKS FINANCIAL LINKS BETWEEN MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND HAMAS (Cairo) — In August 2020, after an intense seven-year manhunt, the Egyptian security services arrested Mahmoud Ezzat, the acting general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and head of its military wing, responsible for a series of attacks in the country. Ezzat led the movement from his hideout after Muhammad Badie. Ezzat was sentenced in absentia to two death sentences and three life sentences. (JNS, Dec. 31, 2020)
MAN OF THE YEAR 2020: CROWN PRINCE MOHAMMED BIN ZAYED (Riyadh) — In a November 20, 2020 letter to the Nobel Committee, Former First Minister of Northern Ireland Lord David Trimble, himself a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, nominated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Lord Trimble explained that he was nominating Netanyahu and bin Zayed “in recognition of their historic achievements in advancing peace in the Middle East.” (Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020)
ISRAEL STUNS OBSERVERS WITH LIGHTNING-FAST COVID-19 VACCINE ROLLOUT (Jerusalem) — Over one million Israelis have now been vaccinated against the coronavirus in the first weeks of the country’s rollout, a per capita rate that is by far the fastest internationally and which has stunned observers from around the world. More than 11% of the country’s population has now been given the COVID-19 vaccine — more than three times the next-fastest country, Bahrain, and well above the global average of 0.13%, according to data from Oxford University’s Our World in Data. (Algemeiner, Jan. 1, 2021)
ONE MILLION MODERNA VACCINE DOSES TO ARRIVE IN ISRAEL NEXT WEEK (Jerusalem) — A shipment of one million Moderna vaccines to fight the coronavirus are expected to arrive in Israel next week. The vaccine was originally scheduled to arrive in the Jewish State sometime in March 2021; however, the shipment will now land at Ben Gurion International Airport as early as next week. In response to the report, the Ministry of Health said they are unaware if Moderna intends to send the shipment over early. (Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020)
20% MORE DECOMPOSED ELDERLY AND DESTITUTE ISRAELIS DISCOVERED IN 2020 (Jerusalem) — In 2020, ZAKA volunteers dealt with 157 horrific incidents of elderly and destitute people who were discovered in their homes, in a state of decay, days and even weeks after death. This represents a shocking 20% increase over last year (130 cases). Several of the victims were found in red cities: Jerusalem (18 cases), Beer Sheva (13 cases) and Petah Tikva (12 cases). Most, but not all, were elderly people living alone, with no one to care for them or check on their well-being – a situation exacerbated by the isolation and lockdowns that characterized 2020. (Jewish Press, Jan. 1, 2021)
GREECE, ISRAEL TO SIGN LARGEST-EVER DEFENSE PROCUREMENT DEAL (Jerusalem) — Under the $1.68 billion, 20-year contract, Israel’s Defense Ministry and Elbit Systems will establish and operate a flight school for the Greek air force. (JNS, Jan. 5, 2021)
THE NEW ISRAELI AMBASSADOR URGES UK TO MOVE ITS EMBASSY TO JERUSALEM (London) — Israel’s new ambassador to the United Kingdom Tzipi Hotovely has called on the British government to move its embassy to Jerusalem, defended the settlements, and said that Brexit would “help” trade between the nations. In a wide-ranging interview with the Jewish Chronicle. (WIN, Dec. 31, 2020)
US POLICY OF LABELING WEST BANK PRODUCTS AS ‘MADE IN ISRAEL’ TAKES EFFECT (Washington) — The U.S. policy of requiring products made in Israeli settlements in the West Bank as “Made in Israel” took effect last week, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. CBP published a notice in The Federal Register, the daily journal of the U.S. government, on Dec. 23. (JNS, Dec. 29, 2020)
ISRAEL ANNOUNCES INITIATIVE TO COMBAT ILLEGAL TAKEOVER OF STATE LAND IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA (Jerusalem) — In a joint press release, the Settlement Ministry Tzachi Hanegbi and the Prime Minister’s Office announced that the government will be allocating NIS 20 million in 2021 toward vehicle and drone patrols that will collect information on illegal activities to seize lands in Area C of Judea and Samaria. (Jewish Press, Jan. 1, 2021)
ISRAEL BEGINS 2021 WITH HUNDREDS OF JEWS RETURNING FROM LOST TRIBES IN ETHIOPIA, INDIA (Jerusalem) — A group 300 new immigrants from Ethiopia landed Thursday night at Ben Gurion Airport and on Sunday five members of the Bnei Menashe community in India are expected to land in Israel, joining a group of 252 who arrived on aliyah two weeks ago. They are part of a 7,000-member community in northern India while some 4,000 Bnei Menashe already live in Israel. (United With Israel,Jan. 1, 2021)
UAE NABS IRANIAN TERROR SQUAD PLOTTING TO ATTACK ISRAELIS (Abu Dhabi) — An Iranian terror squad was broken up by UAE intelligence in the capital of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.From Iran’s point-of-view, visiting Israelis make a soft target and one easily reached. (WIN, Jan. 4, 2021)
IRANIAN PRESENCE IN CRISIS-RIDDEN VENEZUELA IS GROWING, WARNS TOP ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES OFFICIAL (Tehran) — In an extensive interview, David Smolansky — the OAS General Secretariat’s Commissioner tasked with responding to the growing humanitarian crisis facing migrants fleeing economic breakdown and political repression in Venezuela — warned that Iran was at the center of a “criminal hub” in the region. (Algemeiner, Jan. 1, 2021)
US STRATEGIC BOMBERS FLOWN OVER GULF IN MESSAGE TO IRAN (Washington) — The United States flew strategic bombers over the Persian Gulf for the second time this month, in what the U.S. Central Command said was a defensive action. A senior U.S. military officer told the AP that the flight by two Air Force B-52 bombers was a response to intelligence that Iran may be planning to carry out attacks against U.S. allied targets in Iraq or elsewhere in the region in the coming days. (JNS, Dec. 31, 2020)
PENTAGON ORDERS AIRCRAFT CARRIER NIMITZ, ON ITS WAY HOME, TO TURN AROUND FOLLOWING IRANIAN THREATS(Washington) — The Department of Defense said that it has ordered the USS Nimitz, a nuclear-powered aircraft, to turn around following new threats and actions from Iran, which comes just several days after the carrier was ordered to return home after providing cover for U.S. forces that were returning home from the Middle East. The announcement comes after top Iranian officials suggested following the new year that the Islamic Republic of Iran may seek to assassinate President Donald Trump in retaliation for last year’s killing of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force (IRGC-QF), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. (DW, Jan. 4, 2021)
US, ISRAEL VOTE ‘NO’ ON UN BUDGET OVER ANTI-ISRAEL, IRAN ISSUES (Washington) — The United States and Israel voted against the United Nations 2021 budget during the conclave of the world body’s General Assembly this week – a vote usually passed by consensus. Among the reasons cited by US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft for her nation’s opposition was a line in the UN budget to fund an event marking the 20th anniversary of the 2001 Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA). (Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020)
EGYPT CRACKS FINANCIAL LINKS BETWEEN MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND HAMAS (Cairo) — In August 2020, after an intense seven-year manhunt, the Egyptian security services arrested Mahmoud Ezzat, the acting general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and head of its military wing, responsible for a series of attacks in the country. Ezzat led the movement from his hideout after Muhammad Badie. Ezzat was sentenced in absentia to two death sentences and three life sentences. (JNS, Dec. 31, 2020)
MAN OF THE YEAR 2020: CROWN PRINCE MOHAMMED BIN ZAYED (Riyadh) — In a November 20, 2020 letter to the Nobel Committee, Former First Minister of Northern Ireland Lord David Trimble, himself a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, nominated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Lord Trimble explained that he was nominating Netanyahu and bin Zayed “in recognition of their historic achievements in advancing peace in the Middle East.” (Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020)
UC MERCED ANNOUNCES INVESTIGATION OVER PROFESSOR’S ANTI-SEMITIC TWEETS (California) — UC Merced Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Gregg A. Camfield have announced that the university is launching an investigation into tweets by engineering professor Abbas Ghassemi that “crossed the line” into anti-Semitism. The posts in question included an image of “The Zionist Brain” featuring a “Holocaust Memory Center” and the statement that “the Zionists and IsraHell interest have embedded themselves in every component of the American system.” (JNS, Dec. 31, 2020)
Former Iranian Commander Threatens Joe Biden: Phil Schneider, Israel Unwired, Jan. 5, 2021 — Iranian leaders are not very subtle. They don’t even attempt to cloak their true intentions.
WATCH: Palestinian Airlines – All 2 planes – Shutters After 25 Years: WIN, Dec. 31, 2020
Why Is Indyk Getting Away With It?: Stephen M. Flatow, Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020 — Declaring that Israel secretly controls the American government is anti-Semitic, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if the person who utters this slur is a drunk in a bar or a former diplomat in a three-piece suit. It’s still anti-Semitic.
WATCH: Palestinian Airlines – All 2 planes – Shutters After 25 Years: WIN, Dec. 31, 2020
Why Is Indyk Getting Away With It?: Stephen M. Flatow, Jewish Press, Dec. 31, 2020 — Declaring that Israel secretly controls the American government is anti-Semitic, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if the person who utters this slur is a drunk in a bar or a former diplomat in a three-piece suit. It’s still anti-Semitic.