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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


IDF Home Front Command's Search & Rescue Brigade Complete (Flickr)
Flickr IDF Home Front Command's Search & Rescue Brigade Complete (Flickr)

Can J Street stoop any lower in backing anti-Israel views? opinion: David M. Weinberg, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 22, 2021

J Street is closer to power, but still marginalizes itself:  Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS, Apr. 22, 2021

For Progressives Netanyahu isn’t the problem, Israel is:  Caroline B. Glick, Israel Hayom, Apr. 23, 2021

J Street, Peace Now, Join Palestinian NGOs in Supporting Betty McCollum’s Curb on Aid to Israel: David Israel, Jewish Press, Apr. 16, 2021

For Further Reference:

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 2021 J Street Speech:  YouTube, Apr. 19, 2021 Senator Elizabeth Warren’s April 19, 2021 video remarks for J Street’s 2021 Virtual National Conference.

Episode 2 of Caroline Glick’s Mideast News Hour:  Caroline Glick, Apr. 22, 2021On today’s show, my co-host Gadi Taub and I discussed Israel’s political morass as Netanyahu’s foes on the right are joining with his foes on the left in a bid to oust him from power.

Sens. Sanders, Warren call for ‘restricting’ US aid to Israel at J Street confab: Jacob Magid, Times of Israel, Apr. 20, 2021 Prominent progressive senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren both used their Monday addresses at the J Street lobby’s national conference to call for regulating US aid to Israel, asserting that such assistance should not be allowed to bankroll Israeli policies in the West Bank that damage prospects for a two-state solution.

J Street Embraces Mahmoud Abbas; How Will US Jews Respond?:  Moshe Phillips, Algemeiner, Apr. 22, 2021 J Street’s decision to feature Mahmoud Abbas at its “first-ever virtual national conference” earlier this week, demonstrates just how far J Street is from it being the firmly pro-Israel, Zionist group it wants American Jews to believe it is.

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