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Isranet Daily Briefing


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Covid-19 (Non Profit Quarterly)

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Israel’s Vaccination Results Point a Way Out of Virus Pandemic: Isabel Kershner and Carl Zimmer, New York Times, Feb. 5, 2021

In the most extensive real-world test so far, Israel has demonstrated that a robust coronavirus vaccination program can have a quick and powerful impact, showing the world a plausible way out of the pandemic.

Cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations dropped dramatically among people who were vaccinated within just a few weeks, according to new studies in Israel, where a rapid vaccine rollout has made it a kind of test laboratory for the world. And early data suggests that the vaccines are working nearly as well in practice as they did in clinical trials.

“We say with caution, the magic has started,” tweeted Eran Segal, a quantitative biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science and co-author of a new study on the vaccine’s impact in Israel.

The hopeful news on vaccines is hardly a free ride to a post-pandemic future.

What the world can learn from Israel’s vaccination ‘miracle: Neri Zilber , Globe and Mail, Jan. 7, 2021

One night this past week, Tel Aviv’s central Rabin Square, a locale known more for demonstrations and concerts, teemed with hundreds of Israelis clamouring for one thing: a COVID-19 vaccine.

Four long lines of anxious people snaked out of a massive tent complex that had been set up just days earlier. Inside, maze-like metal barriers ushered the lucky ones through to a battalion of nurses administering the coveted liquid. The Rabin Square location is just one of hundreds across the country – from local clinics to hospitals to sports arenas – that make up Israel’s globe-leading vaccination drive. In less than three weeks, nearly two million people – more than 15 per cent of the population – have received their first (of two) inoculation shots.

“Israel is the world champion in vaccines,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu crowed, with some reason, last week. “Maybe we will be the first country in the world to emerge from the coronavirus.”

Israel gave me a COVID-19 vaccine before the US got to my elderly parents: Julie Gray, New York Post, Jan. 23, 2021

I’m 56 years old, in good health, and not a health-care or essential worker. But on Jan. 2, I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. I was over the moon with joy — and relief. It took less than 30 minutes to go to the clinic, get my shot, and return home. Thankfully, my life partner, Gidon, who is 85, received his vaccine two days earlier.

Of course, I couldn’t resist posting our vaccination selfies on social media, but an instant later, I felt terribly guilty. At the time, many of my friends and even my elderly parents had no idea when they would receive their vaccinations.

I am an American living in Israel, you see. The country with the most efficient COVID-19 vaccination rollout globally. More than 38 percent of Israel’s population of 9 million is already vaccinated — the highest rate in the world.

Israel’s ultra-Orthodox reject criticism, defy virus rules: Ilan Ben ZionCTV News, Feb. 10, 2021

Wendy Moskowits, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Belz Hassidic sect in Jerusalem, doesn’t understand the uproar toward believers like him.

In recent weeks, ultra-Orthodox Jews have defied coronavirus restrictions by holding big funerals for beloved rabbis who died of COVID-19, celebrating large weddings, and continuing to send their children to schools. The gatherings have led to clashes with police and an unprecedented wave of public anger toward the religious community.

On Tuesday night, hundreds of ultra-Orthodox demonstrators protested lockdown restrictions, set dumpsters on fire, and faced off with police officers in Jerusalem.


For Further Reference:

Covid-19: More young children are being infected in Israel and Italy, emerging data suggest:  Michael Day, The BMJ, Feb. 9, 2021 Experts have warned that schools must be reopened with caution, amid emerging evidence from Israel and Italy that more young children are being infected with new variants of covid-19.

Research from Israel shows mRNA vaccine is ~50% effective in reducing severe cases:  Angela Betsaida B. Laguipo, News Medical Life Sciences, Feb. 8, 2021 — Amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), there is a ray of hope as vaccinations against the virus roll out in many countries.
Israel to begin reopening – for the vaccinated:  Israel National News, Feb. 14, 2021Israel’s Coronavirus Cabinet voted Sunday evening to expand the reopening of the Israeli economy and remove additional restrictions on public activity starting next week, Kan reported.

Israeli Musician Finds Innovative Way to Cope With Coronavirus Crisis:  Algemeiner, Feb. 14, 2021 — The economic downside of the coronavirus pandemic has seen industries of tourism, restaurants, social events and retail stores, among others, suffer grave consequences.
Well done, everyone: Vaccines were our last line of defence, but now our governments have bungled that as well:  Andrew Coyne, The Globe and Mail, Jan. 22, 2021 In the U.S., the media are full of fury at the sluggish pace of the country’s vaccination rollout. 

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