Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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                SHABBAT READING
Birkat Kohanim: The Magic of a Blessing: Prof. Shawna Dolansky, The, June 15, 2016 — Many of us are familiar with the priestly benediction (birkat hakohanim) from the liturgy, found in Numbers 6:24-26. A sensational archaeological find by Gabriel Barkay in 1979 demonstrates the antiquity of this blessing at least as far back as the 7th century BCE. At the site of Ketef Hinnom (southwest of the Old City of Jerusalem), two tiny silver scrolls with different versions of this birkat hakohanim were discovered, including for example the phrases “May YHWH bless you and guard you; may YHWH make his face shine upon you.”

BURYING CLAIMS                      

Chief Rabbi Yoni Wieder: “Many Jews in Ireland Feel Deeply Isolated: European Jewish Congress, May 22, 2024 Many Jews feel isolated by the portrayal of the current war in Gaza in the Irish media, and the rhetoric adopted in schools and on campuses, according to the Chief Rabbi of Ireland.
Old Antisemitism; New Pro-Palestinian Trends: Why Being Jewish In Ireland Has Become Dangerous: Nissan Shtrauchler, Israel Hayom, May 28, 2024 — John, 15 (full name withheld) is the only Jewish student at his school in Dublin, the Irish capital. Since October 7, he cannot forget or suppress this fact for a moment. Like many other Jews living in the country, he is trying to survive under incessant antisemitic fire.


I’m Irish; I Stand with Israel:  Conor O’Mara, Israel Hayom, May 31, 2024
Antisemitism in Ireland ‘Blatant and Obvious’ in Wake of Hamas Onslaught, Says Jewish Former Cabinet Minister Alan Shatter:  Ben Cohen, Algemeiner, Mar. 12, 2024
Trinity College’s Tolerance of Antisemitism Is a Betrayal of Its Jewish Staff and Students: Rachel Moiselle, The JC, May 10, 2024
The Toddler Diplomats – Spain, Norway, and Ireland:  A.J. Caschetta, IPT News, June 9, 2024

For Further Reference:

Ireland’s Fall Shane Burke, Israel Hayom, June 9, 2024 — How would one describe the attitude of the elite class in Ireland towards Israel? Unhelpful, blinkered, and based on a fairytale-like view of the conflict that has existed between Israelis and Palestinians since 1948.

WJC President Lauder Labels Irish School Curriculum as Unabashedly Antisemitic World Jewish Congress, Apr. 26, 2024 — Reacting to an antisemitic curriculum set for use April 29 to May 10 in Irish primary and secondary schools, World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder issued the following statement:

‘Do Not Lecture Us’: Son of Holocaust Survivor Criticises President Michael D Higgins:  Sarah Horgan, Irish Examiner, May 26, 2024 — President Michael D Higgins has been sharply criticised by the son of a holocaust survivor for dismissing claims about rising antisemitism in Ireland.

Contemporary Antisemitism in the Political Discourse in Ireland:  INSS, June 21, 2021 — Due to this lack of knowledge the term Nazism is bandied around in Ireland without knowing that it was, amongst other things, the premeditated, industrialized slaughter of six million Jews and many others that didn’t suit the Nazi Regime
‘What Is Your Nation, If I May Ask?’: Antisemitism and Zionism in James Joyce’s Ulysses: Noga Emanuel, Fathom Journal, June 2022  — Joyce’s Ulysses famously takes place over one day, 16 June 1904, as Leopold Bloom wanders through the city of Dublin in a modernised mimicking of the journey taken by the ancient Greek king Odysseus in Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey.

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