Sunday, September 1, 2024
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The UK Seized Iranian Weapons, Now What? – Analysis:  Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post, July 11, 2022

How Israel and Saudi Arabia Plan to Down Iranian Drones Together:  Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz, July 13, 2022

As Russia Runs Low on Drones, Iran Plans to Step In, U.S. Officials Say:  Eric Schmitt, Thomas Gibbons-Neff and John Ismay, NY Times, July 17, 2022

US and Israel Want to Unite Middle East Against Iran, But Iraq Could Pose a Problem:  Ron Kampeas, The Times of Israel, July 16, 2022

For Further Reference:

TOC Ready Room 22 July 2022: Biden returns from MidEast, with Prejudice:  D. E. Dyer, The Optimistic Conservative, July 22, 2022 — … On Sunday, a senior Iranian official made a rare statement about nuclear weapons, and baldly averred that Iran is capable of producing them.  I don’t need to embellish much on the comments I added to a re-tweet on this story.

An Open Secret: What Lies Behind the IDF Revelation on its Use of Attack Drones?:   Liran Antebi, INSS, July 24, 2022 — A few days ago, for the first time, Israeli censorship permitted the revelation that the IDF uses attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). 

Iran’s Warships to Carry Armed Drones in New Threat to Its Regional Foes: Dion Nissenbaum and Aresu Eqbali, WSJ, July 15, 2022   Iran unveiled military advances on Friday that have put armed drones aboard its warships, creating a new threat for the U.S. and its allies in the Persian Gulf, as President Biden tours the region in part to help build security partnerships to counter Tehran.

Iran’s Nuclear Breakout Time ‘Now Too Short for Comfort,’ Says State Department:  Jamie McIntyre, Washington Examiner, July 19, 2022 — With Iran declaring it now has the “technical means” to build a nuclear bomb, the Biden administration insists there is still time for Iran to accept a negotiated deal to avert a showdown that could lead to military conflict.


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