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Isranet Daily Briefing


An evening with The Honorable Dr. Henry Kissinger and The Honrable Paul H. O'Neill, a Ford Centennial even- Flickr
An evening with The Honorable Dr. Henry Kissinger and The Honrable Paul H. O'Neill, a Ford Centennial even- Flickr


 My Father, Henry Kissinger, is Turning 100. This is his Guide to Longevity.:  David Kissinger,  Washington Post, May 25, 2023 On Saturday, my father, Henry Kissinger, celebrates his 100th birthday. This might have an air of inevitability for anyone familiar with his force of character and love of historical symbolism. Not only has he outlived most of his peers, eminent detractors and students, but he has also remained indefatigably active throughout his 90s.

Honoring Henry Kissinger on his 100th birthday – opinion:  David M. Weinberg, Jerusalem Post, May 24, 2023
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100:  Tunku Varadarajan, WSJ, May 26, 2023
Kissinger’s Final Warning:  Thomas Fazi, UnHerd, May 24, 2023
The Middle East According to Kissinger:  Oded Eran, INSS, November 2022

Henry Kissinger with former USSR leaders – WEF Annual Meeting 1992.jpg – Wikimedia Commons

Great Contemporaries: Kissinger on the Secrets to Leadership Jacob Heilbrunn, The National Interest,  Aug. 26, 2022 – When Henry Kissinger recently suggested at Davos that Russia and Ukraine should initiate peace negotiations and that “ideally, the dividing line should return the status quo ante,” he created an international furor. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, for example, complained, Behind all these geopolitical speculations of those who advise Ukraine to give away something to Russia, “great geopoliticians” are always unwilling to see ordinary people. Millions of those who actually live in the territory they propose to exchange for the illusion of peace. You must always see people.
Henry Kissinger Turns 100 With His Magnificent Brain as Sharp and Wise as Ever Conrad Black, Real Clear Politics, May 27, 2023 — May 27; 100 years ago today Heinz Alfred Kissinger was born in Furth, Germany, and this past week he made headlines throughout the world with his reflections on the shifting geopolitical realities of Central Europe.

 Henry Kissinger Turns 100 this Week. He should Be Ashamed to be Seen in Public Bhaskar  Sunkara  and Jonah Walters, The Guardian, May 27, 2023 — Henry Kissinger turns 100 on Saturday, but his legacy has never been in worse shape. 
How the Enlightenment Ends:  Henry Kissinger, The Atlantic, June 2018 Issue — Three years ago, at a conference on transatlantic issues, the subject of artificial intelligence appeared on the agenda.

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