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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: HAS WOKEISM WON THE ‘CULTURE WAR’? (July 9, 2021)

Calgary Women's March Naps...woke 
Wikimedia Commons
Calgary Women's March Naps...woke Wikimedia Commons


For Further Reference:

Amazon’s Woke Smokescreen:  Bari Weiss, Substack, June 28, 2021 A few years ago, my friend Dan Ahdoot was auditioning for a sitcom on Fox. And things were looking good; he’d heard from his agent that he made it to the last round. Then, he got a call from one of the creators of the show, a friend of his who was calling to say sorry: Dan wasn’t going to get the part. The reason, he said, was that he wasn’t “diverse.”  

Progressives Disdain America but Love Being Free to Do So:  Gerald Baker, WSJ, June 28, 2021 — This July Fourth, that sacred day when we commemorate the hijacking of the American continent by a gang of white supremacists in a desperate bid to hold onto their slaves, I have a question for progressives: What do you want this country to be?

Brandeis U Takes Woke Language Policing To New Depths Of Stupidity:  Jonathan S. Tobin, NY Post, June 28, 2021 Brandeis University got some unwanted publicity last week when its “Oppressive-Words List” became public. The list — created by students and published by the school’s Prevention, Advocacy and Resource Center — is a lexicon of forbidden words that takes woke language policing to new depths of idiocy.

Don’t Let The Left Keep Brainwashing Our Kids To Fight Their Political Wars:  Karol MarKowicz, NY Post, July 2, 2021 When did it become so normal to turn American children into little activists?

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