CIJR | Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Is a recession inevitable? | Penn Today
Is a recession inevitable? | Penn Today


Meeting the Challenge of Critical Scholarship with Leviticus:  Dr. Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg, The, May 17, 2016 — We are now in the opening stage of the debate in the modern Orthodox community on how to deal with critical biblical studies.
One group – currently a minority, pioneering one – argues that we must begin to reconcile two of our fundamental beliefs.

  1. Our commitment to Torah min ha-shamayim (Torah from heaven) – that the Torah is revealed, or at least inspired, and its content rooted in transcendent (not merely human) sources.
  2. Our commitment that the eternality of Torah means that it must be instructive, commanding, and credible – in every culture that Jews inhabit, including our current, postmodern civilization.


Listen:  After SVB Collapse, Will Israeli Banks Crash Too?Jerusalem Post staff, Jerusalem Post, Mar. 22, 2023 — In this week’s edition of Inside Israeli Innovation, Jerusalem Post Deputy CEO Maayan Hoffman and Business Correspondent Zachy Hennessey talked with Adv. James Raanan, partner in in the high-tech and venture practice at Amit, Pollak, Matalon law firm, about the collapse of the California-based Silicon Valley Bank and its impact on Israeli start-UPS and technology companies in general. 
Israeli Economist Believes Israeli Banks Won’t Collapse Like US Banks All Israel News staff, All Israel News, Mar. 14, 2023 — A prominent economist from Tel Aviv University’s Joseph Safra Capital Markets and Financial Institutions, said he believes it is unlikely that Israeli banks would face collapse as two banks in the United States have done in recent days.

How the Bank Collapse Goes Nuclear
Ashley Rindsberg

Tablet, Mar. 22, 2023
Nearly 200 Banks Teeter As Fed Seeks Inflation Balance; Rate Hike Risks More Insolvency:  Dave Boyer, The Washington Times, Mar. 19, 2023

Why Woke ‘Frisco Fed Chief Missed Silicon Valley Bank’s Warning Signs:  Paul Sperry, NY Post, Mar. 17, 2023

What Gets Lost When You Rescue Markets:  To Complacency and Excessive Risk-Taking.:  Jason Zweig, WSJ, Mar. 17, 2023

PikiWiki Israel 19135 Israel Bank in Jerusalem.JPG – Wikimedia Commons

Israel’s Bank To Report More Frequently On Transfers Of Money Abroad:  Reuters, Mar. 7, 2023 — The Bank of Israel has instructed local banks to report more frequently on the movement of money in and out of Israel, a central bank spokesperson said on Tuesday.
The U.S. Needs Economic Regime Change:  Kevin Warsh, WSJ, Mar. 19, 2023 — History will give a full accounting of the grave errors committed in recent years in economic policy. A central lesson is already clear: Nothing is as expensive as free money.
From Zero to Hero:  Andy Kessler, WSJ, Mar. 19, 2023 — Isn’t it bizarre that so many people who cause problems then turn around and become heroes fixing the same problems they created?
Big Tech Wins Unfair Advantage Over American Workers in SVB Scandal Vivek Ramaswarmy, NY Post, Mar. 13, 2023 — It’s true that Silicon Valley Bank didn’t get a bailout. But Silicon Valley itself absolutely did.

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