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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: EGYPT TO THE RESCUE?

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What One Man Can Do for Israel:  Joseph Frager, JNS, Feb. 12, 2023 — I was reminded this week by one of the most influential American Jewish families how very crucial it is to continue the tradition of defending Israel. I am talking about the Jacobs family from Englewood, New Jersey.
Fanny, the Jewish Spy for Germany in World War I:  Lenny Ben-David, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jan. 25, 2023 — Fanny was the nickname for the young, attractive Berlin-trained doctor who immigrated to the Jewish homeland from Motele near Pinsk in Russia in 1913. 

Egyptian Effort to Prevent Palestinian-Israeli Escalation ahead of Ramadan: Yoni Ben Menachem, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Feb. 9, 2023
Israel Intensifies Efforts to Increase Gas Exports:  Danny Zaken, Globes, Feb. 8, 2023
Egypt’s Strategic Partnership with China: Opportunities and Implications:  Khalill Al-Anani, Arab Center, Jan. 27, 2023
Inflation is So High in Egypt that Eggs are a Luxury:  Vivian Yee, NY Times, Jan. 23, 2023

Outrage as Egyptian Tycoon Says Palestinian East Jerusalem Attacker Is ‘A Terrorist’:  The New Arab Staff, The New Arab, Jan. 30, 2023 Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris has sparked controversy after calling the Palestinian man behind an attack in occupied East Jerusalem last week a “terrorist”.

The Negev Forum Working Groups and Regional Cooperation FrameworkAnthony J. Blnken, US Secretary of State, US Dept of State, Jan.  10, 2023— I welcome the inaugural meeting of the Negev Forum Working Groups hosted by the United Arab Emirates on January 9-10, in Abu Dhabi.  
Arab Leaders Warn Israeli Actions Threaten Regional Turmoil:  VOA, Feb. 12, 2023 — Dozens of leaders and senior officials from Arab and Islamic countries warned on Sunday Israeli actions in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank could worsen regional turmoil, as violence surges between Israel and the Palestinians.
Saudi Arabia Could Buy Israeli Gas from Egypt; Danny Zaken, Globes, Jan. 30, 2023 — Egypt led by President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, plans to significantly increase gas production to meet growing domestic needs and mainly to increase exports. In addition to its own huge offshore gas fields, Egypt also imports significant amounts of gas from Israel.

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