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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: CUNY ERUPTS

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Podcast #251: Tracing the Rise of Radicalised Anti-Zionism on American Campuses Jonathan Kay, Quillette, Sept. 10, 2024  Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with author Paul Berman about the lingering influence of ‘Black Power’ advocate Stokely Carmichael, who once infamously claimed that ‘the only good Zionist is a dead Zionist.’


New York City’s Laboratory for Hate:  Emily Benedek, Tablet, Sept. 10, 2024
US Colleges Reject Divestment Proposals Targeting Israel Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, Sept. 13, 2024
Why I Am Resigning as a Brown Trustee:  Joseph Edelman, WSJ, Sept. 8, 2024
A Literary Critic on Why the ‘Settler Colonial’ Framing Is Bad for Israel and Palestine:  Andrew Silow-Carroll, Times of Israel, Sept. 1, 2024


For Further Reference:

McGill Revokes Status of Anti-Israel Group Following Years of B’nai Brith Advocacy Bnai Brith Canada, Sept. 16, 2024 — After years of advocacy by B’nai Brith Canada, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) announced Monday that it had revoked the official club status of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR).

‘I Never Experienced Anything of this Nature’: McGill President Promises to Protect Jewish Students:  Mitchell Consky, Canadian Jewish News, Aug. 29, 2024 — The president of McGill University says his administration has spent the summer preparing for future incidents of antisemitism on the Montreal campus.

Haverford ‘Doubled Down’ on Jew-Hatred Since May Lawsuit, Per Complaint before US District Court:  Menachem Wecker, JNS, Sept. 13, 2024 — On May 13, the Deborah Project, a public-interest law firm, filed a lawsuit under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act accusing Haverford College in Pennsylvania of creating a hostile environment for Jews. Five days later, at the highly-ranked private liberal arts school’s graduation ceremony, Haverford gave awards to multiple people accused in the complaint of Jew-hatred.

‘Little Short of Lunatics’: Post-Trotsky Trotskyism and the Radical Left’s Degenerate Response to 7 October:  Alan Johnson, Fathom Journal, June 2024 — Confronted on 7 October with the worst antisemitic massacre since the Holocaust the response of parts of the radical left was politically degenerate. ‘Rejoice!’ read the front page of Alex Callinicos’ Socialist Worker.

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