Family Feeling: Behar, Bechukotai, 5776, 5783: Covenant & Conversation, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — I argued in my Covenant and Conversation for parshat Kedoshim that Judaism is more than an ethnicity. It is a call to holiness. In one sense, however, there is an important ethnic dimension to Judaism.
Have Religious Israeli Jews Given Up on Israel’s Secular Society? – Opinion: Moshe Taragin, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 28, 2023
The Soloveitchik Solution: David P. Goldman, Tablet, May 10, 2023
Bridging the Unbridgeable Divide Between Religion and Secular Modernity: Jeffrey Sacks, Mosaic Magazine, Dec. 10, 2018
7 Israeli Artists Who Are Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide: Ori Weisberg, Unpacked, Apr. 25, 2023

Podcast: Peter Berkowitz & Gadi Taub on the Deeper Causes of Israel’s Internal Conflict: Tikvah, Mar. 16, 2023 — To understand the dramas, disagreements, and protests roiling Israeli politics at this moment requires an understanding of the government’s proposed judicial reforms, as well as the history of Israel’s Supreme Court and its relationship to the Knesset.
Podcast: What if the Ashkenazi – Mizrahi Divide Doesn’t Exist, And Politicians Created It For Their Own Ends? [excerpt]: Israel from the Inside, Daniel Gordis Substack, May 11, 2023 — In this week’s conversation with Shmuel Rosner, we hear that that may be the case. Rosner is convinced the differences are narrow and that the political echelon has its reasons for exaggerating them.
Can We Heal Israel’s Divisions By Bringing High Schoolers to Jerusalem?: Troy O. Fritzhand, Jerusalem Post, Mar. 11, 2023 — Despite being Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem is almost foreign to many of the country’s residents. According to varying statistics, anywhere from 50-80% of Israelis prior to their army service have not visited the holy city. It is remarkable for many reasons – never mind the fact that the government sits in the city.
Secular and Reform Israelis More Religious Than Their American Counterparts – Analysis: Zvika Klein, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 21, 2022 — When NASA’s Jessica Meir embarked on a journey to the International Space Station Expedition 61/62 as a flight engineer, Jewish and Israeli media outlets celebrated that she is, indeed, a female Jewish astronaut.