Gilgal: YHWH’s Footprints in the Land of Israel: Zvi Koenigsberg, The, Sept. 4, 2020 — In Deuteronomy 11, Moses tells the Israelites that when they cross over into the Cisjordan, they should head to the area of Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal.
New York State vs. the Yeshivas: Eli Spitzer, Mosaic Magazine, Oct. 25, 2021 — In recent years, New York State has become the scene of an increasingly fierce battle over the provision of secular education in ḥasidic boys’ schools (yeshivas), a battle that brings to the surface many of the latent contradictions in liberal society.
In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money: Eliza Shapiro and Brian M. Rosenthal, NY Times, Sept. 12, 2022
What The New York Times’ Story on Hasidic Schools Misses: Rabbi Avi Shafran, Religion News Service, Sept. 13, 2022
Do Religious Jews Have a Right to Reject Basic Secular Education?: Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS, Sept. 12, 2022
Orthodox Jewish Schools Share Priorities of Most Americans, Regardless of What NY Times Says: Jay Greene and Jason Bedrick, The Daily Signal, Sept. 9, 2022
How New York City’s Hasidic Yeshivas Gained, and Lost, Legitimacy – Opinion: Matty Lichtenstein/JTA, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 15, 2022 — This week, the New York State Board of Regents signed off on new rules about how the state will determine if private schools offer instruction that is similar to that offered in public schools.
Long-Hyped New York Times Investigation of Hasidic Yeshivas Fizzles: Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, Sept. 11, 2022 — “In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money” is the online headline the Times slaps over its long-awaited “New York Times investigation” of Hasidic schools for boys. The print article, under the slightly more sober “Failing Schools, Public Funds,” appears at the top of page one.
NY Times Hit Piece on Hasidic Education Published on Eve of NY Regents Vote to Undermine All Religious Schools: Jane Coleman, Legal Insurrection, Sept. 11, 2022 — A New York Times article attacking boys’ Hasidic schools was published today, the eve of the New York State Board of Regents vote on regulations poised to undermine the way they’ve operated for generations.
The Plot Against Jewish Education: Liel Leibovitz, Tablet, Sept. 7, 2022 — Sometime soon, The New York Times is slated to publish its expose on the state of Hasidic education in New York.

State Supreme Court Sides with Mother In Dispute Over Son’s Yeshiva Education: Julia Gergely/JTA, Jerusalem Post, June 10, 2022 — A New York State Supreme Court justice ruled in favor of an Orthodox Jewish mom who said her son was denied an adequate secular education at his Brooklyn yeshiva.
New Oversight Rules for NY Private Schools, Yeshivas Expected to be Approved: Cayla Bamberger, NY Post, Sept. 12, 2022 — New oversight rules that would make it easier to crack down on religious and other private schools are expected to be approved by state education officials on Tuesday.
Lack of Secular Education Prompts Battle Over New York Ultra-Orthodox Schools: Faigie Holt, JNS, Sept. 15, 2022 — On Tuesday, the New York State Board of Regents voted to allow significant oversight of all nonpublic schools in the state; it is a measure many say is aimed squarely at Orthodox yeshivahs.
Watch Our Conversation on the Rising Power of Haredi Judaism: Eli Spitzer, Mosaic Magazine, Jan. 24, 2022 — This month we published an essay by our columnist Eli Spitzer about the rising influence of ḥaredi Judaism and what it means for the balance of power in the Jewish world at large. Eli’s essay has attracted significant attention, and so we thought we’d further the conversation by inviting him to discuss the ideas in it live on January 19.
Religious Liberty and Education: A Case Study of Yeshivas vs. New York: The Heritage Foundation, Sept. 14, 2021 — Education policymakers and professionals won’t want to miss this important symposium as our panelists explore the philosophical, legal, and practical issues raised by New York’s yeshiva controversy and consider the broader implications for private and religious education.