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Isranet Daily Briefing


Die Totengräber Russlands ('Russia's gravediggers'). Nazi Propaganda pamphlet; Anti-Communism, antisemitism; Soviet communist leaders; Jew caricatures. Imperial War Museum London 2009On display in the Imperial War Museum in London, UK. - Wikipedia
Die Totengräber Russlands ('Russia's gravediggers'). Nazi Propaganda pamphlet; Anti-Communism, antisemitism; Soviet communist leaders; Jew caricatures. Imperial War Museum London 2009On display in the Imperial War Museum in London, UK. - Wikipedia

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Venerated Talmudic Scholar, Dies at 94:  Joseph Berger, NY Times, Mar. 18, 2022 — Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the greatest Talmudic interpreters of his generation and one of the most revered figures among the world’s ultra-Orthodox Jews, who considered him the leading authority on fine points of Jewish law, died on Friday in the Israeli city of Bnei Brak, near Tel Aviv. He was 94.

Three Messages from the Funeral: Sivan Rahav-Meir, Jewish Press, Mar. 24, 2022 — Only three people eulogized Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, at his funeral Sunday. They spoke directly to the Charedi public but their messages were educational, universal, and it would be a shame for those not in attendance to miss them. So here they are.

Nazi-Germany’s Anti-Zionist Propaganda and Its Impact on the War of 1947/48:  Matthias Küntzel, European Journal of Current Legal Issues, Vol 25, No 1 (2019)

Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World:  Soha ElSaman, Egypt Today, Jan. 31, 2019  

The Arab World Discovers Anti-Semitism Bernard Lewis, Commentary Magazine, May 1986

Who is an Arab Jew? Albert Memmi, JIMENA, 1975


For Further Reference:

WATCH:  The Nazi Roots of Arab Antisemitism: Hussein Aboubakr Mansour, Emet Endowment for Middle East Truth, Feb. 4, 2022 –  Many people are aware of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and his famous November 1941 meeting with Adolf Hitler, to which we can trace the roots of Arab antisemitism. However, a few other figures with strong ties to the Nazis who have been largely overlooked by historians, had equal or even greater impact in cementing lingering antisemitism in Arab society.

Fayez Sayegh, Leader of Arab Groups In U.S., U.N., Dies in New York City:  Richard Pearson and Washington Post Staff Writer, Washington Post, Dec. 14, 1980 Dr. Fayez Sayegh, 58, senior adviser to the Foreign Ministry of Kuwait and the principal author of the 1975 United Nations resolution denouncing Zionism as a form of racism, died Tuesday in New York City after a heart attack.

Arab Existentialism: An Invisible Chapter in the Intellectual History of Decolonization:  Yoav Di Capua, American Historical Review, Columbia University, Oct. 27, 2012 — IN MAY 1944, WHEN THE EGYPTIAN philosopher Abd al-Rahman Badawi defended his dissertation on existential time, Taha Husayn, the doyen of modern Arab letters, declared it the birth of modern Arab philosophy.

Mahmoud Abbas: Still a Holocaust Denier:  Yair Rosenberg, Tablet, Apr. 27, 2014 — One of the less savory aspects of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s biography is that he has a PhD in Holocaust denial–literally. His 1982 dissertation, published as “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism,” famously argues that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis in order to spur more Jewish immigration to Palestine. 

The Many Faces of Islamo-Nazism:  Manfred Gerstenfeld, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 25, 2014In recent weeks several appearances of Islamo- Nazis in the European public domain have been observed.

The Arab World is Re-Embracing its Jews:  Abu Dhabi, The Economist, Jan 22,2022The slogan of the Houthi rebels, who control northern Yemen, is blunt. “Death to Israel, curse on the Jews,” it reads in part. So it was no shock when the group chased Jews out of its area of control.

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