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Isranet Daily Briefing

Daily Briefing: AFGHANISTAN: HAVING WON, THE U.S. CHOOSES TO LOSE (August 24, 2021)

Afghanistan Flag Map- Pixabay
Afghanistan Flag Map- Pixabay

What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?:  WSJ, Aug. 21, 2021 We Americans like to deceive ourselves. We want to believe there is good war and bad war. World War II was a good war, varnished with the patina of history. Vietnam was a bad war, its reality overridden by popular cultural narratives. Once, in the decade after 9/11, Afghanistan was the good war and Iraq the bad, a war of “choice,” not necessity. Now they are both bad.


For Further Reference:

EXCLUSIVE: Inside Afghanistan — The First Seven Days Of Life Under The Taliban:  Sayad Ahmad Sadat, National Post, Aug. 20, 2021 — It seems incredible that a single week can tear the fate of a nation into a Before and After.

Why Biden’s Lack of Strategic Patience Led to Disaster:  Ryan C. Crocker, NY Times, Aug. 21, 2021 — As Americans, we have many strengths, but strategic patience is not among them. 

The U.S. Is Hostage to the Taliban:  Editorial, WSJ, Aug. 18, 2021 — The Taliban haven’t formally taken any Americans captive in Afghanistan, at least not yet, but it’s clear that the jihadists already have the Biden Administration as a political hostage.

The Return of ‘America Held Hostage’:  Walter Russell Mead, WSJ, Aug. 18, 2021 — As Taliban forces consolidate their control of Kabul, the nature of the new regime remains somewhat veiled.

The IMF Acts Against the Taliban:   Josh Lipsky and William F. Wechsler, WSJ, Aug. 18, 2021 — Among the thousands of refugees fleeing Kabul was the acting governor of Afghanistan’s central bank, Ajmal Ahmady. 

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