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Isranet Daily Briefing


Barack Hussein Obama II aka Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America. President Obama is the 2012 Democratic candidate for President.

The source image for this caricature of President Obama is a photo in the public domain from The White House's Flickr photostream : Wikipedia
Barack Hussein Obama II aka Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America. President Obama is the 2012 Democratic candidate for President. The source image for this caricature of President Obama is a photo in the public domain from The White House's Flickr photostream : Wikipedia

“Regardless of their faults, all three men shared a common trait at a critical moment in history—they trusted their own stubbornness against the mirror world of digitally based conformity. The human future rests on individuals in all walks of life and representing all parties and all currents of opinion being brave and independent-minded enough to make that same choice.” – David Samuels

Rapid Onset Political Enlightenment:  David Samuels, Tablet, Dec. 20, 2024
The Obama Era Is Finally History in the Middle East:  Walter Russel Mead, WSJ, Dec. 23, 2024
The Democrats’ Anti-Israel Future:  Joshua Muravchik, Commentary Magazine, January 2025
After Obama:  Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine, Dec. 23, 2024



For Further Reference:

Obama Plays a Dead Man’s Hand in Lebanon, and Wins:  Tony Badran, Tablet, Nov. 27, 2024 — Barely three weeks ago, Barack Obama’s legacy was in tatters. His party was roundly defeated in the election, after he personally engineered the defenestration of his doddering former vice president from the Oval Office.

The End of the Long Obama Era:  Walter Samuel, AMAC, Dec. 17, 2024 — In December of 2016, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and much of their staff gathered to listen to a performance by the cast of the musical Hamilton at the White House.

The End of the Obama Era:  Molly Ball, The Atlantic, Dec. 22, 2024 — As you may have heard, 2014 was a good year for Republicans. They won a lot of elections!

The Evaporation of the Obama Mystique:  Victor Davis Hanson,  NY Post, Dec. 15, 2024 — Former President Barack Obama had long been rumored as the catalyst for the 2020 Joe Biden nomination – and thereafter played the whispering puppeteer behind the subsequent lost Biden administration years.

Is Obama’s Kingmaker Era Over?:  Peachy Keenam, Thomas E. Klingenstein,  Oct. 29, 2024 —   Last week, Barack Obama plaintively wailed at a rally for Kamala Harris, “I don’t understand how we got so toxic and just divided.” Who was this mystery culprit who injected so much hate into the national discourse? We must track down the man who did this to us!

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