Outside Source
Friday, February 12th 2021 / Friday, February 12th 2021
Jacques Chitayat In his famous novel published in 1925, The Trial, Kafka tells of Joseph K., a perfectly average bank employee. One morning, he receives an unexpected visit from two inspectors who inform him of his arrest. No one knows why, since their superiors had only given the order to inform K. of this. But […]
Thursday, February 11th 2021 / Thursday, February 11th 2021
Back in 2009, I authored an article on this platform titled “The Narcissism and Grandiosity of Celebrities.” Continuing this tradition, this past week on my social media platforms, I critiqued the virtue signalling that members of the privileged classes engage in. Here is what I wrote: “Let me explain yet again the source for all […]
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