Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Last week, Egyptians went to the polls in record numbers, in the first free elections since Hosni Mubarak was deposed last February. Over the weekend, Egypt’s High Election Commission announced that the Muslim Brotherhood’s fundamentalist Freedom and Justice Party garnered approximately 40 percent of ballots cast, while The Nour Party, representing the more hard-line Salafi […]
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION REACHES NADIR AS PANETTA URGES ISRAEL TO “GET TO THE DAMNED TABLE” WITH PA Frederick Krantz The Arab world is in turmoil, as the high promise of the “Arab spring” is everywhere descending—from Tunisia to Egypt to Yemen to (soon) Syria—into the triumph of the Islamists and Muslim Brothers. And meanwhile Abbas and […]
In an interview this week with journalist Barbara Walters, Syrian president Bashar Assad denied ordering the killing of anti-regime protesters, claiming that rogue “individuals” were to blame for the bloodshed. According to Assad, “I did my best to protect the people. I cannot feel guilty when you do your best.” Despite Assad’s ongoing defiance, […]
OLDEST HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR TURNS 108 Alice Herz-Sommer, the oldest known survivor of the Holocaust, celebrated her 108th birthday in London on November 25. A native of Prague and professional pianist in her mid-teens, Mrs. Herz-Sommer, her husband and young son were sent to the Nazi show camp at Terezin in 1943, where she played more […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Quizz sur la «Palestine» Dépêche primo-info.eu, 8 décembre 2011 Prenez plaisir à répondre à ce quizz concernant la démographie, les conditions de vie et l'histoire du peuple palestinien… et testez vos connaissances avec les réponses fournies à la fin du Communiqué…: QUESTIONS 1.) Classez ces pays en fonction de l'espérance de vie (taux […]
“We believe that you can’t reach democracy by elections. We believe in a long process. It should start by education.”—Israel’s Vice Prime Minister, Moshe Yaalon, commenting on the emergence in the Middle East, as a result of the so-called “Arab Spring,” of Islamic fundamentalists through democratic mechanisms. (Associated Press, December 12.) THE DANGERS OF […]
EUROPE AT THE BRINK Editorial Washington Post, December 10, 2011 [Last Friday’s] summit of 27 European Union leaders did not lack for drama. With the future of the euro currency and the EU itself on the line, all but four of those present agreed to German demands for closer fiscal integration, and three of the […]
BATTLE FLAG COMES DOWN IN BAGHDAD Julian E. Barnes & Nathan Hodge Wall Street Journal, December 15, 2011 After nearly nine years of war, tens of thousands of casualties—including 4,500 dead—and more than $800 billion spent, the U.S. military on Thursday formally ended its mission in Iraq.… For years, commanders in Iraq have handed off […]
BOOK REVIEW: I SLEEP IN HITLER’S ROOM: AN AMERICAN JEW VISITS GERMANY Bruce Bawer Pajamas Media, December 8, 2011 I Sleep in Hitler’s Room: An American Jew Visits Germany. That’s the book’s title, and the text itself is every bit as compelling as the title leads one to expect. So, for that matter, is the […]
SERMON DU VENDREDI SUR AL-AQSA: «MORT AUX JUIFS ET À L'AMÉRIQUE» Dépêche Memri.org, 9 décembre 2011 Ci-dessous des extraits d'un sermon du vendredi délivré à Gaza et diffusé sur la télévision Al-Aqsa le 2 décembre 2011. (Voir les extraits vidéo sous-titrés en anglais: http://www.memri.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/3227.htm) Prédicateur: Notre étendard est «Il n'y a […]
Last week, the Quartet issued yet another call for direct Israeli-Palestinian talks “without delay or preconditions”—its third such declaration since September 23—following separate meetings in Jerusalem with Palestinian and Israeli officials. The statement by the Quartet—made up of the US, EU, UN and Russia—stressed “the important objective of a direct exchange between the parties…beginning with […]
SPECIAL HANNUKAH APPEAL SUPPORT OUR PRO-ISRAEL WORK & OUR STUDENTS! Your Tax-Deductible Donations Support CIJR’s Key Independent Work: –Internationally-read daily email ISRANET Daily Briefing; renowned ISRAFAX quarterly; weekly French-language Communiqué Isranet; monthly ISRAZINE webzine –Vital work with students, including the Student Israel-Advocacy Program, Dateline: Middle East student magazine, and the Baruch […]
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