Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
SANS AMIS AU MOYEN-ORIENT Daniel Pipes National Review Online, 8 novembre 2011 Version originale anglaise: Friendless in the Middle East Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Les bouleversements arabes de 2011 ont donné lieu à des réactions occidentales extrêmement contradictoires. Comment, par exemple, peut-on justifier qu'on accepte la répression des dissidents […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Yesterday, Egyptian military police clashed with thousands of protesters in Cairo, in a violent escalation of a two-day battle that analysts warn threatens to undermine next week’s parliamentary elections. Police used rubber bullets, birdshot, truncheons and tear gas to disperse the crowd, and set fire to tents and vehicles in Tahrir Square, the focal point […]
On Saturday, Syrian President Bashar Assad was quoted as saying he would press on with a crackdown against anti-government unrest in his country: “I assure you that Syria will not bow down and that it will continue to resist the pressure being imposed on it,” Assad told Britain’s Sunday Times. The Arab League, which […]
During “All-Stars Week”, CIJR’s Isranet Briefings will highlight the work of outstanding individuals, whose invaluable efforts contribute to strengthening public perception of the Jewish state’s regional and global position. Each Briefing will include a sample of articles written over the last year by a given author, dealing with issues such as Israeli politics and security, […]
OBAMA’S FAILING IRAN DIPLOMACY Richard Grenell Wall Street Journal, November 21, 2011 On Nov. 13, President Obama made some remarkable statements. “When I came into office,” he said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Honolulu, “the world was divided and Iran was unified around its nuclear program.” Now, he said, “the world is united […]
WHAT CHANGE LOOKS LIKE UNDER OBAMA Peter Wehner Contentions, November 16, 2011 Speaking to a crowd in Hawaii, President Obama contrasted his uplifting, high-minded campaign with the “narrow, cramped vision of an America where everybody is left to fend for themselves.” (That would be the Republican vision). Obama went on to say this: “That was […]
On Friday, October 21, US President Barack Obama announced that “the long war in Iraq will come to an end by the end of this year,” marking the conclusion of a nearly 9-year war that cost the U.S more than 4,400 lives, more than 30,000 injured servicemen and servicewomen, and upwards of one trillion dollars. […]
QUI SOUFFRE (LE PLUS) DE LA POLITIQUE ANTI-ISRAÉLIENNE DE L’ONU? Simon Deng JForum.fr, 22 novembre 2011 Ce sont les paroles de Simon Deng, qui a été un esclave soudanais. Il s’est adressé à la conférence de «Durban III» à New York sur «Les périls de l’intolérance globale» le 22 septembre 2011. […]
INQUIÉTUDE FACE AU FLOU ET À L’AGITATION QUI RÈGNENT EN IRAN Naama Rehoboam Guysen.com, 1 décembre 2011 Entre l’attaque de l’ambassade de Grande-Bretagne, les sanctions internationales et les mystérieuses explosions: le monde semble avoir pris la mesure du danger d’un Iran nucléaire. Les choses semblent se compliquer pour l’Iran. Après l’attaque ce […]
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