Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
REACHING FOR THE PRIZE Eliezer Yaari Jerusalem Report, December 20, 2011 I feel as if a helicopter has just dropped me off on the summit of Mount Everest, and now I am standing there, applauding those who climbed up on their own, those who for decades have fought their own intellectual and physical limitations to […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
VIOLENCES DE BEIT SHEMESH: QUI SONT CES ULTRA-ORTHODOXES? Julien Bahloul Guysen.com, 28 décembre 2011 Qui sont les ces ultra-orthodoxes responsables des violences de ces derniers jours? Les orthodoxes israéliens refusent d’être tous mis dans le même sac. Et pour cause. Le groupe à l’origine des récents évènements est affilié à la petite secte […]
THE YEAR WE LOST AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, EGYPT, TURKEY, TUNISIA AND MOST OF THE MIDDLE EAST Daniel Greenfield FrontPage, January 3, 2012 About the only people having a Happy New Year in the Muslim world aren’t the Christians who are huddling and waiting out the storm, but the Islamists who use a different calendar, but are […]
IRAN’S HORMUZ THREAT Editorial Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2011 So now we know the kind of sanctions that hit Iran’s regime where it really hurts. The U.S. and Europe are at last mustering the gumption to target Iran’s multibillion-dollar oil industry, and almost immediately Tehran is threatening to bring Persian Gulf tankers to a […]
THE SUICIDAL PASSION Ruth R. Wisse Weekly Standard, November 21, 2011 It now seems that one Jew is worth more than 1,000 Arabs—the rate of exchange established not by Israel, but by Hamas, and celebrated on the Arab street. The “prisoner swap” of more than a thousand Arab prisoners for the single Israeli soldier Gilad […]
L’ÉVANGILE PALESTINIEN SELON RADIO-CANADA David Ouellette davidouellette.net, 3 janvier 2012 Chaque année, de nombreux médias prêchent à l’occasion de Noël l’ «évangile palestinien». Si vous ne connaissez pas cet évangile, rassurez-vous, votre connaissance du canon biblique n’est pas lacunaire. Il s’agit d’une offensive propagandiste menée bon an mal an par l’Autorité palestinienne. Cette année, Radio-Canada […]
The focus of today’s Briefing returns to Egypt, following the Islamists’ latest victory in the third and final round of the country’s elections. With a projected 2/3 of the cumulative vote, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party together with the Salafist Al-Nour Party are poised to achieve an absolute parliamentary majority. The ramifications bode […]
According to Western mainstream media, the emergence of “extremist” elements in Israeli society is undermining the Jewish state’s democratic character, and thus justifies the increasingly common comparisons between Israel and oppressive dictatorships. It is true that various actions on the part of ultra-religious (haredi) or ultra-nationalist (“settlers”) Israelis are deplorable—including the pinning of Yellow Stars […]
On Wednesday, Syrian President Bashar Assad appeared in public for the first time since the uprising against his rule began 10 months ago. Addressing a rally in Umayyad Square in Damascus, he pledged to triumph over “terrorism,” the clearest indication to date that he does not intend to surrender power or relax his government’s brutal […]
NAZI MEMORIAL IN CROATIA A DISGRACE TO EUROPE Efraim Zuroff Jerusalem Post, January 4, 2012 Imagine for a minute that memorial masses were held in two major cities in Germany on the anniversary of the death of Adolf Hitler. Needless to say, such a ceremony would arouse fury, indignation, and widespread protests not only in […]
L'EXODE CHRÉTIEN Lysiane Gagnon La Presse, 7 Janvier 2012 Prédiction pour 2012: un immense exode de chrétiens arabes. Cela nous concerne directement car le Canada sera une destination d'accueil, et ces migrants pourront réclamer, à bon droit, le statut de réfugié. On estime que depuis mars dernier, quelque 95 000 d'entre eux […]
A YEAR FOR ELECTIONS, NOT MIDEAST PEACE Elliott Abrams Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2012 Last week Israelis and Palestinians held talks for the first time since September 2010. Back then, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met at the White House, under bright lights and with great expectations, along with […]
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