Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Yesterday, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, released it most damning account to date of Iran’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons. According to the report, “The Agency has serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme” and that credible information “indicates that Iran has carried out activities relevant to the […]
THE REALITY OF REVOLUTION David Rieff New Republic, February 14, 2011 In both the euphoria and the apprehension that have accompanied the popular uprisings in the Arab Middle East…there has been an avalanche of the usual cyber-utopian techno-babble about the emancipatory potential of the Bluetooth devices and Twitter feeds for which authoritarian […]
RUMSFELD’S ‘SLICE OF HISTORY’ Kimberly Strassel Wall Street Journal, February 8, 2011 “I’d read other folks’ books about things I’d been involved in…and I’d think, My goodness, that’s not my perspective,” chuckles former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in [our] interview.… “I remember talking to [former Secretary of State] George Shultz and […]
Weekly Quotes “Canada does not stand behind Israel; Canada stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel.”—Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird, at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem, emphasizing Canada’s staunch support of the Jewish state, and reiterating that “Israel has no greater friend in the world than Canada.” (JTA, January 31.) “The […]
IRAN: PRECONDITIONS AND PROVOCATIONS Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, February 10, 2011 The January 21-22 meeting in Istanbul between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (the P5+1), aimed at reaching at least some understandings regarding Iran’s nuclear program, concluded in […]
A TIME TO REMEMBER Editorial National Post, November 11, 2011 Every year on this date, Canadians pause to remember the more than 100,000 of our citizens who have died serving our country and protecting the freedoms we enjoy. The solemn marking of this great sacrifice, and the pain of those our fallen soldiers have left […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Le PAJU et l’imposture antisioniste David Ouellette davidouellette.wordpress.com, 10 novembre 2011 La haine des Juifs a de tout temps été une affaire de diabolisation. Littéralement, au Moyen-Âge, dans le cas de l’antijudaïsme chrétien, pour lequel le Juif était le diable incarné voué à la destruction de la chrétienté et figurativement dans […]
MUBARAK’S DEPARTURE OPENS THE WAY TO A BIGGER CHALLENGE FOR EGYPT David Frum National Post, February 11, 2011 Egyptians are celebrating the fall of Hosni Mubarak. But we are not Egyptians. We are entitled to ask: What does this event mean for us? For Western interests? For peace in the Middle East? […]
This past weekend, the Arab League decided—effective Wednesday—to suspend Syria’s membership in the body, sanctioning President Bashar Assad’s regime for failing to comply with a November 2 pact to withdraw its military forces from Syrian cities, release political prisoners and grant media access to the country. Amidst increasing international pressure to end his brutal […]
“The recent escalation and loss of life—as well as the disruption of the southern residents’ daily routine—will eventually make it necessary for the army to launch a major offensive in Gaza.”—IDF Chief of General Staff, Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, to Israel’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. (Ynet News, Tuesday, November 15.) The last month has […]
At a recent G20 summit in Cannes, US President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy were overheard ridiculing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. According to reports, Sarkozy described Netanyahu as a “liar,” to which Obama replied, “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day.” Once […]
ANTI-ISRAEL CAMPAIGN REACHING CANADIANS: PROFESSOR Janice Arnold Canadian Jewish News, November 17, 2011 When her mother’s hairdresser in Winnipeg started talking about the way the Palestinians are being treated, historian Catherine Chatterley realized that propaganda against Israel is having an impact on the “average non-Jewish Canadian.” Neither Chatterley nor her mother is Jewish, but the […]
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