Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, May 7th 2012 / Monday, May 7th 2012
NEGOTIATING WITH IRAN, 1979 AND 2012 Elliott Abrams Weekly Standard, April 20, 2012 As the United States and other members of the [international community negotiate] with Iran, it is worth recalling the classic analysis of Iran’s negotiating style sent in from the U.S. embassy in Tehran on August 13, 1979. The author of the cable, […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 4th 2012
Le post-sionisme des années 1990 Caroline B. Glick Jpost.com, 1 Mai 2012 Adaptation française: Sentinelle 5772 © La politique des portes ouvertes aux radicaux israéliens était défendable dans les années 1990 quand une fraction significative du public israélien les soutenait. Vous pouvez en apprendre beaucoup sur la santé d’une nation en observant comment il célèbre […]
MOST ISRAELIS AND JEWS ARE UNDER NO ILLUSIONS Isi Leibler Jerusalem Post, May 2, 2012 If one reviews the events of the past year and monitors opinion polls, it becomes abundantly clear that despite the mantras chanted by the far Left insisting that most Israelis and Jews are opposed to the policies of the current […]
Thursday, May 3rd 2012 / Thursday, May 3rd 2012
On Wednesday, Coalition chairman Ze’ev Elkin (Likud) submitted a bill to dissolve Israel’s parliament, raising the prospect of an early election to take place on September 4. The bill is expected to be approved by Israel’s Ministerial Committee on Legislation on Sunday, which will accelerate the legislative process and put the bill to a […]
Wednesday, May 2nd 2012 / Wednesday, May 2nd 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “The Forward thought there was no better artist [than Neshama Carlebach] to launch a musical conversation about whether and, if so, how the words of ‘Hatikvah’ could be altered to include all Israel’s citizens.… [We] propose…a careful adjustment of a few problematic words and phrases. In the opening stanza, ‘nefesh […]
Tuesday, May 1st 2012 / Tuesday, May 1st 2012
THE PATH TO BIN LADEN’S DEATH DIDN’T START WITH OBAMA Jose A. Rodriguez Jr. Washington Post, April 30, 2012 As we mark the [one-year] anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death, President Obama deserves credit for making the right choice on taking out Public Enemy No. 1. But his administration never would have had the opportunity […]
Monday, April 30th 2012 / Monday, April 30th 2012
“About a month ago the European Union, showing it will not be trifled with, barred Bashar al-Assad’s wife, Asma, and other women in his immediate family from shopping for luxury goods in Europe. For some reason, going cold turkey on Dior, Armani and Prada failed to bring down the Assad regime or to end its […]
Friday, April 27th 2012
ISRAEL’S MIRACULOUS JOURNEY Joel Lion Gazette, April 26, 2012 Think “Israel” and what comes to mind? It’s a good question to ask on Israel’s Independence Day.… The first thing most readers will think of is my country’s decades-long conflict with the Palestinians. To others, the mere mention of Israel conjures up images of a mystic […]
LE QUOTIDIEN LA PRESSE FLIRTE AVEC L’ISLAMISME Dépêche Postedeveille.ca, 23 avril 2012 L'équipe de Poste de Veille répond à l'article d'Anabelle Nicoud Le Québec flirte avec Marine Le Pen paru dans La Presse du 21 avril dans lequel elle associe Poste de Veille à la «toile brune» qui inciterait à la violence. […]
Thursday, April 26th 2012 / Thursday, April 26th 2012
YOM HA’ATZMAUT, 5772 Baruch Cohen In loving memory of Malca z’l “And what glory awaits the selfless fighters for the cause! That is why I believe that a wonderful breed of Jews will spring up from the earth. The Macabees will rise again.”—Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State, Herzl Press, (N.Y., 1970), p. 110. Theodor Herzl […]
Wednesday, April 25th 2012 / Wednesday, April 25th 2012
“For bereaved families, time stops when you get the terrible news.… It cuts your life in two: what was before, and what will never be again. When you hear the siren today, we will turn into one family, and the citizens of Israel will be united in our remembrance.”—Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, at a […]
Tuesday, April 24th 2012 / Tuesday, April 24th 2012
The following is an excerpt of a letter delivered last week to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by a Palestinian delegation: …Mr. Prime Minister, Twenty years ago, we concluded with Israel an agreement under international auspices which was intended to take the Palestinian people…to independence. Now, as a result of actions taken by successive Israeli […]
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