Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, May 22nd 2012 / Tuesday, May 22nd 2012
On Monday, a deal reportedly was reached with Iran to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear watchdog, to restart a long-stalled investigation into Tehran’s secret work on developing nuclear weapons. The news came directly from IAEA chief Yukiya Amano, who returned from Tehran on Tuesday following a rare visit in […]
Friday, May 18th 2012 / Friday, May 18th 2012
On the 28th day of the Jewish month of Iyar (May 20, 2012), the day in 1967 that the Western Wall was liberated, the nation of Israel celebrates Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day. In doing so, we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Six-Day War triumph, the miraculous victory over the combined armies of Syria, Jordan […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 18th 2012 / Tuesday, June 26th 2012
LE MYTHE DE LA PAIX MANQUÉE AVEC LES PALESTINIENS Le Centre des Affaires Publiques et de l'État, Jérusalem (CAPE), 15 mai 2012 Lors d’une récente interview diffusée sur CNN, l’ancien Premier ministre, Ehoud Olmert, a donné l’impression qu’en 2008, il était sur le point de signer un accord de paix avec le président […]
Thursday, May 17th 2012 / Thursday, May 17th 2012
THE EUROPEAN REVOLT AGAINST REALITY Josef Joffe Wall Street Journal, May 9, 2012 Forget for a moment François Hollande, who sent Nicolas Sarkozy packing [earlier this month]. Set aside, too, the triumph of the radical left and the neo-Nazis in Greece who together captured one-third of the vote. Look instead at…the sickly state of the […]
Wednesday, May 16th 2012 / Wednesday, May 16th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “The collective memory of a people who were ethnically cleansed in 1948 will not be quashed.…”—Israeli MK Ahmad Tibi, at a Palestinian “Nakba Day” event, commemorating the “catastrophe” of Israel’s birth. In Gaza, Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh marked the occasion by reiterating his commitment to destroying the Jewish state […]
Tuesday, May 15th 2012 / Tuesday, May 15th 2012
HOW LONG MUST SYRIANS WAIT? Richard Cohen Washington Post, April 30, 2012 …Few people in Washington have much faith in the U.N.’s [Syria peace] plan, advanced by former secretary-general Kofi Annan. He has been doing what he has been trained to do—go through the motions of peacemaking.… Yet as each ticket is punched, more people […]
Monday, May 14th 2012 / Monday, May 14th 2012
On Saturday, Israeli envoy Yitzhak Molcho delivered a letter to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas outlining Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s stance on the stalled “peace process”. According to Israeli media, Netanyahu again called for the immediate resumption of negotiations without preconditions, as called for by the Middle East Quartet, consisting of the US, UN, EU […]
Friday, May 11th 2012 / Tuesday, June 26th 2012
HOLLANDE SERA-T-IL L'OBLIGÉ DE SON ÉLECTORAT MUSULMAN? Ivan Rioufol upjif.org, 9 Mai 2012 François Hollande a été notamment élu grâce aux voix des musulmans. Il aurait obtenu 93% des suffrages des votants, selon un sondage OpinionWay publié mardi par Le Figaro. Un sondage TNS Sofres évalue ce pourcentage à 85%. Toujours selon OpinionWay, les catholiques […]
Friday, May 11th 2012 / Friday, May 11th 2012
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! FREE POLLARD TODAY! Baruch Cohen In loving memory of Malca z’l As we celebrate 64 years of the State of Israel’s independence, our thoughts are with Jonathan Pollard, imprisoned since 1985. Twenty-seven years for an offense—passing classified information to an ally during peacetime—that has historically garnered an average sentence of 2-4 years: […]
Thursday, May 10th 2012 / Thursday, May 10th 2012
OUT OF SELF-INTEREST, GENUINE OPPORTUNITY David Horovitz Times of Israel, May 8, 2012 The cynicism that greeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition agreement with Kadima’s Shaul Mofaz Tuesday is easily understood. Mofaz has made a gold-medal-worthy sprint from bitter foe to warm ally of the prime minister. One minute he was calling Netanyahu a liar […]
Wednesday, May 9th 2012 / Wednesday, May 9th 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week “The newest heroes of the Palestinian cause are not burly young men hurling stones or wielding automatic weapons. They are gaunt adults, wrists in chains, starving themselves inside Israeli prisons. Each day since April 17, scores of Palestinian prisoners have joined a hunger strike that officials say now counts more […]
Tuesday, May 8th 2012 / Tuesday, May 8th 2012
EGYPTIAN GAS Editorial Jerusalem Post, April 26, 2012 For all the attempts from all sides to belittle Egypt’s unilateral abrogation of its gas transaction with Israel, the move hardly augurs well. Regardless of all the whitewash prodigiously applied to it, this was the bad, hardly unexpected, outcome of a long sequence of inimical developments which […]
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