Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, September 14th 2017
After Imperva and Mobileye, Here's What's Next For Israeli Startups: Peter Cohan, Forbes, Aug. 21, 2017— Israel has taken plenty of companies public on the NASDAQ… China’s Space Silk Road and the Middle East – The Israeli Perspective: Dr. Eytan Tepper, Space Watch Middle East, Aug. 2017— China’s U.S.$1 trillion Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) […]
Wednesday, September 13th 2017
MEDIA-OCRITY OF THE WEEK: NETANYAHU’S NO-STATE SOLUTION — “No democracy can be immune to running an undemocratic system of oppression for a half-century in territory under its control. Israel was conceived as a state of laws. If it is not, it betrays its 1948 founding charter. This commits the nascent state to […]
Tuesday, September 12th 2017
The Kurds Are About to Blow up Iraq: Michael J. Totten, World Affairs Journal, Aug. 17, 2017— …On September 25, the Kurdistan Regional Government in Erbil will hold a binding referendum on whether or not to secede from Iraq. The Strategic Case for Kurdistan: Caroline B. Glick, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 31, 2017—…Whereas Prime Minister Benjamin […]
Monday, September 11th 2017 / Monday, September 11th 2017
How has the Face of Islamic Terrorism Changed Since 9/11?: Charles Bybelezer, The Media Line, Sept. 11, 2017— 'Where were you on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001?' is to Millennials what 'Where were you when Kennedy was shot?' is to Baby Boomers… Israel’s Bombing of a Weapons Factory in Syria: What Comes Next?: […]
Friday, September 8th 2017
'Unsafe Spaces': Supporting Israel in Modern Campus Culture: Daniel First, American Thinker, Sept. 6, 2017— The American college campus was once a place where students listened to the views of their peers, debated ideas, and derived knowledge through the examination of multiple viewpoints. When Great Institutions Lie: Caroline B. Glick, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 7, 2017— […]
Thursday, September 7th 2017
With Alleged Airstrike, Israel Punctuates Opposition to Syria Ceasefire Pact: Judah Ari Gross, Times of Israel, Sept. 7, 2017— The situation playing out now with North Korea is a nightmare scenario of the dangers of nuclear proliferation. Israel Slow to Recalibrate on Syria: Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor, September 4, 2017— Middle East developments over the past […]
Tuesday, September 5th 2017 / Tuesday, September 5th 2017
N. Korea and Iran: Editorial, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 3, 2017— The situation playing out now with North Korea is a nightmare scenario of the dangers of nuclear proliferation. Pyongyang's Playbook: Anthony Ruggiero, Weekly Standard, Sept. 2017— The crisis between the United States and North Korea shows no signs of abating. What if There’s No Good […]
Friday, September 1st 2017
Europe Begins to Appreciate the Reality of Islamic Terrorism: Isi Leibler, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 28, 2017— Until recently, most European governments avoided confronting the reality and true nature of Islamic terrorism. Anti-Semitism in Europe: New Official Report: Bruce Bawer, Gatestone Institute, Aug. 25, 2017— To some of us, it is hardly a secret that anti-Semitic […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, September 1st 2017 / Monday, September 21st 2020
LA QUESTION KURDE REFAIT SURFACE David Bensoussan aout 2017 Les Kurdes seront-ils encore une fois un pion sur l’échiquier qui sera délaissé une fois qu’il aura servi les intérêts géopolitiques d’autres puissances ? En Syrie, les Kurdes ont combattu avec succès l’État islamique au Nord de la Syrie. […]
Thursday, August 31st 2017
Iran Out to Remake Mideast With Arab Enforcer: Hezbollah: Ben Hubbard, New York Times, Aug. 27, 2017— For three decades, Hezbollah maintained a singular focus as a Lebanese military group fighting Israel. With Win Over Islamic State, Hezbollah Gains New Sway in Lebanon: Yaroslav Trofimov, Wall Street Journal, Aug. 31, 2017— Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia has […]
Wednesday, August 30th 2017
On Topic Links Iran in Syria: Editorial, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 28, 2017 If You Want to Accuse Someone of Prejudice, Use the Right Word: John Robson, National Post, Aug. 23, 2017 This Missile Could Reach California. But Can North Korea Use It With a Nuclear Weapon?: New York Times, Aug. 22, […]
Tuesday, August 29th 2017
Jared Kushner’s Mideast Peace Push Is Going Nowhere. That’s Why Israelis Love It.: Benny Avni, The Daily Beast, Aug. 28, 2017 — Jared Kushner's second visit to the Mideast is widely perceived as a Seinfeld-like show about nothing—and the Israelis love it. Russia Feels American Pressure: Emil Avdaliani, BESA, August 16, 2017 — Recent tensions […]
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