Daily Briefing / Communiqué
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, May 8th 2019
Fallen Soldiers and Israelis Stand in Silence to Remember Victims of Terrorism: Algemeiner Staff, May 7, 2019 — Israelis stood in silence on Tuesday night as a one-minute siren sounded nationwide to mark the start of the annual Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism. Letting the Tears Flow – Yom Hazikaron – […]
Tuesday, May 7th 2019
General Khalifa Haftar (Source: Magharebia/Flickr) Generals Vs. Islamists in Libya: Jonathan Spyer, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 26, 2019 — The offensive by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army on Tripoli is currently stalled. Haftar’s troops have encountered strong resistance from Sunni Islamist militias based in the city, backed by similar formations from Misrata further east. While You […]
Monday, May 6th 2019
Latest Round Of Gaza Violence Must Be Used To Restore Deterrence: Ron Ben-Yishai, Ynet, May 5, 2019 — At the moment it seems as though both sides, Hamas and Israel, want to escalate the current flare-up rather than let it die down. Gaza militants launch non-stop rocket attacks on Israel’s civilian population, while Israeli military continues […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 3rd 2019 / Monday, September 21st 2020
Les Racines de L’islamo-Gauchisme: Valerie Toranian,Revue des Deux Mondes, 27 Sept 2018 D’ou vient l’islamo-gauchisme: théorie et pratique où vient l’islamo-gauchisme ? Quelles sont ses racines historiques ? Pourquoi ce courant politique si marginal, incarné par une gauche radicale très peu représentative, influence-t-il autant la vie culturelle et universitaire, la société et les médias ? […]
Friday, May 3rd 2019
How an Antisemitic Cartoon Ended Up in The New York Times: Brian Stelter, Hadas Gold, and Oliver Darcy, CNN Business, May 1, 2019 — Reporters in The New York Times (NYT) newsroom could hear the protesters outside on Monday. “Shame on you!” they shouted. Some held signs that accused the newspaper of being anti-Semitic. Others waved American and […]
Thursday, May 2nd 2019
Trump Administration Seeks to Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization: Rebecca Ballhaus, Courtney McBride, and Jared Malsin, WSJ, Apr. 30, 2019 — The Trump administration is seeking to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization, the White House said, a move that could complicate relations with U.S. allies where Muslim Brotherhood affiliates currently serve in […]
Wednesday, May 1st 2019
YOM HASHOAH The Commanding Voice of Auschwitz: Emil L. Fackenheim, 1972 — What does the Voice of Auschwitz command? — What does the Voice of Auschwitz command? Jews are forbidden to hand Hitler posthumous victories. Emil L. Fackenheim, a Holocaust survivor born in Germany (1918), was a Reform rabbi and professor of philosophy […]
Tuesday, April 30th 2019
Politics: Putting Together the Puzzle: Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 25, 2019 — when President Reuven Rivlin officially tasked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with forming a government last week, Netanyahu said he wanted to get started as soon as possible on building a coalition with the same partners he had for the past four years. Netanyahu’s Brilliant […]
A Despicable Cartoon in The Times: Bret Stephens, NYT, Apr. 28, 2019 — As prejudices go, anti-Semitism can sometimes be hard to pin down, but on Thursday the opinion pages of The New York Times international edition provided a textbook illustration of it. Except that The Times wasn’t explaining anti-Semitism. It was purveying it. The European Origins of […]
Friday, April 26th 2019 / Monday, September 21st 2020
LE RETOUR DE LA SOLUTION JORDANIENNE Shlomo Ben-Ami / Project Syndicate L’initiative française de réunir une conférence internationale pour relancer les pourparlers directs entre Israéliens et Palestiniens, tournée vers une « solution à deux États », toujours plus évanescente, est l’enfant d’un phantasme rémanent. Mais après des décennies de négociations ratées, il est temps de […]
Thursday, April 25th 2019
Victory for Netanyahu Is a Defeat for The New York Times: Ira Stoll, Allgemeiner, Apr. 10, 2019— The victory of Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel’s election is a defeat for the New York Times. The New York Times Owes Americans a Big, Fat Apology: Michael Goodwin, New York Post, March 25, 2019 — Now that President Trump has been vindicated and the […]
Wednesday, April 24th 2019
On Topic Links The UN and Israel in the Nikki Haley Era: Jon Lerner, Commentary Magazine, Apr. 2019 — To most Americans, there is a certain sameness to their country’s role at the United Nations, and this role is not an especially pleasant one. Care About Gaza? Blame Hamas: Jason Greenblatt, New York Times, Apr. […]
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