Tuesday, November 6th 2012 / Tuesday, November 6th 2012
When examining the Presidential election campaign, it is tempting to focus on the polls, the debates, the television commercials, and the candidates’ speeches. But from the perspective of most Israelis the dominant issue is much more profound. It concerns not only the Iranian nuclear threat, but thousands of years of Jewish history. […]
Thursday, November 1st 2012 / Thursday, November 1st 2012
China, Israel and the Jewish People March 28, 2012 Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld is Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he founded and directs the Center's Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism program. Interview series: Dr. S. Wald of JPPPI, "They see the Jews as an old people with a […]
Thursday, October 18th 2012 / Thursday, November 1st 2012
Contents: Editorial Introduction l Articles l Perspectives l Links Editorial Introduction The West Bank is not “occupied territory” and outposts considered illegal should be immediately legitimized. These were two of the findings of the Levy Commission headed by former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Edmund Levy. English As expected, the Levy Report came under immediate […]
Tuesday, October 9th 2012 / Friday, October 26th 2012
Originally Published in the Jerusalem Post, October 10, 2012 21:31 …The Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs, formerly The Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy, is the by-product of a major revamping in mid-2011 of Canada’s Israel advocacy community, which saw a diverse spectrum of pro-Israel organizations consolidated into one body. […]
Friday, October 5th 2012
Originally ublished in the Jewish Tribune, October 3, 2012 The United State of America is “not setting deadlines” on Iran and is still committed to negotiations, which are “by far the best approach” to prevent Tehran from becoming a nuclear power, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared recently. To ensure the […]
Monday, September 10th 2012 / Tuesday, September 11th 2012
Manfred Gerstenfeld is a member of the board of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, of which he has been chairman for12 years. [Originally published in Ynet News, September 11, 2012] ____________________________________________ Neville Chamberlain, the much despised pre-World War II British prime minister, could not have imagined that his failed appeasement policy would be revived after […]
Sunday, September 9th 2012 / Monday, September 10th 2012
President Shimon Peres was right to laud Canada as a “moral role model” for the nations of the world. Commenting on Ottawa’s Friday decision to cut diplomatic relations with Iran, Peres said, “Canada has proven once again that morals come before pragmatism, (and that) policy must reflect principles and values … I thank Canada for […]
Wednesday, September 5th 2012 / Tuesday, September 11th 2012
Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to extend well-wishes on the occasion of Id al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. He did so despite the fact that Abbas continues to shun negotiations with the Jewish state and again has threatened to pursue a unilateral declaration […]
Monday, September 3rd 2012 / Tuesday, September 4th 2012
Book Review by Prof. Ira Robinson, Academic Fellow, CIJR Department of Religion, Concordia University Liebman, Laura Arnold. Messianism, Secrecy and Mysticism: A New Interpretation of Early American Jewish Life. (London and Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 2012). xxviii + 388 pages. ISBN: 978 0 85303 833 7. This book reacts strongly to the way […]
Wednesday, August 29th 2012 / Thursday, August 30th 2012
A Blog by Lawrence Solomon, Fellow, Canadian Institute for Jewish Research _______________________________________________________ The National Jewish Democratic Council is disappointed that the Republicans will be giving Ron Paul a tribute at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this week. I’m disappointed that the Republicans aren’t honouring Paul to an even greater extent, and that American […]
Monday, August 20th 2012 / Tuesday, August 21st 2012
[Manfred Gerstenfeld is a member of the Board of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, of which he has been Chairman for twelve years.] Originally published in Yneet News. The short Norwegian summer was this year not as quiet as usual. Some aspects of this are also relevant for Israel and the local […]
Thursday, July 26th 2012 / Tuesday, July 31st 2012
Tisha B'Av, the mournful commemoration of Jewish national destruction and self-destruction which falls this weekend, hasn’t quite reached the status of Yom Kippur as a day of reflection and repentance. But it should. Especially here in modern Israel. We are repeating so many of the mistakes made by our ancestors in the First and Second […]
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