On Sunday, October 23, a devastating magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck southeast Turkey, killing hundreds and injuring thousands more. In a show of solidarity, Israeli officials called their Turkish counterparts to offer sympathy and relief aid. Turkey’s response prompted Commentary magazine editorialist, Jonathan S. Tobin, to pen the following: “How determined is Turkey to repudiate […]
Although the wave of mass protests spreading through the Arabic-speaking countries may have begun to recede, it has left a wide-ranging impact on the region. Three authoritarian regimes have collapsed, and the rest are experiencing varying degrees of duress. This emerging political and strategic landscape has major implications for Israeli national security. Regional turmoil has […]
The Persian Shiite Regime operates by its own sense of ethics and morality, and chooses which laws and international customs it cares to follow. An unmitigated hatred of the USA and Israel, a brazen support of terrorism against its perceived enemies, and an extraordinary determination to acquire nuclear weapons are hallmarks of the Regime. […]
BOOK REVIEW: Ada Rapoport-Albert, Women and the Messianic Heresy of Sabbatai Zevi, 1666-1816. Oxford, Portland, OR: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2011. xvi + 386 pp. ISBN: 978-1-904113-84-3 Any observer of trends in the field of Jewish studies will have noted that two areas in particular have seen much new research and publication […]
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