Thursday, December 11th 2014 / Thursday, December 11th 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" I have some interesting conversations sometimes. That comes from being Métis. Métis are known as the “bridge people,” which means that we are often seen as the go-betweens for white people and Indians. What it really means is that we […]
Tuesday, December 9th 2014 / Tuesday, December 9th 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" My name is Uqittuk Mark and I’ve lived my whole life in Ivujivik, an isolated, ice-swept village of 380 people located in the Nunavik region, 2,000 kilometers north of Montreal, Quebec. Ivujivik means “Place where ice accumulates because of strong […]
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" In these days of change, (Aren’t they all…and haven’t they always been) I wanted to share some of my own experience of being born in a liminal place and of a liminal status. Always on the cusp of beginnings and […]
Monday, December 8th 2014 / Thursday, September 17th 2015
Having followed debates over the recently-opened Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR), I was eager to visit the site on a recent trip to Winnipeg. Many criticisms of the museum focus on the lack of content addressing Canada’s human rights abuses (e.g., towards First Nations communities). After visiting the museum I […]
Monday, December 8th 2014
The kindling of lights at Hannukah remembers the history of the Jewish People. Their legacy is to share a commitment to Jewish values. We light candles to review our faith in ourselves, in each other, in our people, and in our State of Israel. Hanukkah is the festival of Am Israel, the festival of a […]
Friday, December 5th 2014 / Tuesday, December 9th 2014
The Power of Events: Israel’s Sudden Election Complicated By Increasing Terrorism & U.S.’s M.E. Ambivalence It is an old dictum that what the French call histoire évenémentielle, the often-determining role of events in history, can unexpectedly change politics. The sudden collapse of Israel’s governing coalition is a good example: it means a March election […]
Thursday, December 4th 2014 / Thursday, December 11th 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" The Indigenous Rights of the Jewish People By Alan Baker The Jewish People There is no doubt whatsoever as to the historic presence and existence of the Jewish people in the Middle-East generally, and the […]
Tuesday, December 2nd 2014 / Tuesday, December 2nd 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" David Ahenakew (1933 –2010) was a Canadian First Nations leader who left a significant legacy of achievement in advancing educational opportunity among First Nations people in Saskatchewan. His career included a term as Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan […]
Friday, November 28th 2014 / Tuesday, December 2nd 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" In 1974, Dennis Banks, a leader of the new American Indian Movement (AIM) travelled to Vienna to meet with the World Council of Churches. While there, he also met with the Palestinian Liberation Organization, identified as a terrorist […]
Thursday, November 27th 2014 / Tuesday, December 2nd 2014
From Israzine Nov., 2014: "Zionism, An Indigenous Struggle: Aboriginal Americans and the Jewish State" In considering the convergence of Jewish and Native American experiences, I may be uniquely suited to this task because my mother was Tlingit of the eagle moiety and the kaayaash keiditaan clan, and my father was Jewish. His […]
Monday, November 24th 2014 / Monday, December 8th 2014
The region was already burning when…John Kerry rolled into town in July 2013, on his fifteenth-odd visit to Jerusalem… Syria was well into its third year of carnage, with sectarian strife beginning to spill over into Lebanon…Libya was in shambles, with Islamist militias carving out spheres of influence following the American-led operation to remove Muammar […]
Tuesday, November 18th 2014 / Thursday, November 20th 2014
Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain (Psalm 76:10 (KJV.) Islam is becoming more dangerous for everybody every day. In a typical evening broadcast on any of the major global news-networks at least one in three leading items brings to our ears and eyes the […]
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