Monday, September 10th 2018 / Tuesday, November 27th 2018
For a PDF of Israfax 296 click the following link Editorial: Celebrating Israel’s 70th (And CIJR’s 30th): “Good Arms“ [IDF] and “Good Laws” [Diplomacy] Ensure Survival, and Flourishing, of Jewish State Frederick Krantz CIJR’s two Galas, celebrating its 30th and Israel’s 70th, anniversaries, span modern Israel’s development. One, in Montreal on October […]
Friday, March 30th 2018 / Thursday, November 29th 2018
After about a quarter-century of public advocacy for Christian Zionism it still throws me off-balance when people come up to the platform and ask whether it isn’t a contradiction in terms to be a Christian and a Zionist. In fact, the sin of wilful contradiction belongs on the heads of those Christians who reject the […]
Friday, March 30th 2018 / Wednesday, November 28th 2018
As the democratic Jewish state of Israel turns seventy, what is the historical-societal balance sheet? What is the meaning of modern Israel—which only three generations ago had to fight for its very existence against five invading Arab armies—both for the Jewish people and the world? First, modern Israel is today one of the […]
For a PDF of Israfax 295 click the following link EDITORIAL: CELEBRATING ISRAEL AT 70 Frederick Krantz As the democratic Jewish state of Israel turns seventy, what is the historical-societal balance sheet? What is the meaning of modern Israel—which only three generations ago had to fight for its very existence against […]
Thursday, March 29th 2018 / Thursday, November 29th 2018
As time goes on, the memory of the Holocaust seems to grow dimmer with every passing year. It would seem that with the numerous genocides that continue to this day, many people are reluctant to absorb the true meaning of the words: “never again.” Yet this book effectively encapsulates not only the horrors of the […]
Wednesday, December 20th 2017 / Wednesday, November 28th 2018
For a PDF of Israfax 294 click the following link EDITORIAL: AS CAMPUS BDS INANITIES CONTINUE HERE, SERIOUS EVENTS IN THE M.E. MAY INDICATE RADICAL ISRAEL U.S. REORIENTATION Frederick Krantz This Hanukkah issue of ISRAFAX confronts the sad descent of our university campuses into the vicious inanities of antisemitic and anti-Israel BDS campaigns. […]
Friday, December 15th 2017 / Friday, December 15th 2017
Most Jewish Life & Holiday Customs Are Both Joyful AND PORTABLE: No doubt many traveling readers who've carried the Hanukkah/Chanukah Menorah & candles or oil while traveling during this well-known family centered Jewish holiday can relate memorable tales of others joining in with them, when engaging in honoring this practice […]
Friday, December 8th 2017 / Friday, December 8th 2017
This Hanukkah issue of ISRAFAX confronts the sad descent of our university campuses into the vicious inanities of antisemitic and anti-Israel BDS campaigns. Sustained by “speech codes” and so-called “diversity” quotas. pro-Palestinian propaganda, in fact, violates core academic values like free speech, free thought, and individual rights. Insofar as such well-funded campaigns […]
Thursday, October 26th 2017 / Friday, November 3rd 2017
I Don’t Want an Apology from Justin Trudeau By Sally Friedberg Zerker Canadian governmental spokespeople have been active lately in apologizing for historical wrongs. Everybody was getting into the act; Trudeau with regard to mistreatment of Indian immigrants, Wynne with respect to exploitation of native peoples, Toronto’s chief of […]
Tuesday, September 19th 2017 / Tuesday, September 19th 2017
ROSH HASHANAH 5778 – 2017: SOUNDING THE SHOFAR Loving Memory of Malca z”l The sounding of the shofar is a symbol of the New Year, of renewal, and of unending hope for peace, love, and better world for all. The blast of the shofar reminds us of our mighty […]
Friday, September 15th 2017 / Friday, September 15th 2017
The time has come to tell the world’s “liars”, boldly and forthrightly, that Israeli “occupation” is the BIG LIE of our age. We’ve all seen the propaganda effectiveness of “the big lie” many times before, and this one too is working its indecorous distortion of the truth. The truth is […]
Friday, August 25th 2017 / Friday, August 25th 2017
Far more dangerous than a handful of terrorist bombers and assassins are insidious ideas pervasive in universities and the media that undermine and weaken Canada, America, and the West generally. Three of the most destructive of these ideas are that the ills of the world are the result […]
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