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Zelensky is Right: The United Nations is Useless

Viewed across the East River from Roosevelt Island in 2008; from left to right: Secretariat, Conference Building, and General Assembly. In the background are the Empire State Building, Tudor City, and other high-rise buildings.- wikipedia
Viewed across the East River from Roosevelt Island in 2008; from left to right: Secretariat, Conference Building, and General Assembly. In the background are the Empire State Building, Tudor City, and other high-rise buildings.- wikipedia

Editorial Board

NY Post, Apr. 5, 2022

“… the United Nations has proven singularly inept at actually preventing violence and isolating dangerous regimes. In fact, it often empowers them.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave voice to a terrible truth in his UN speech Tuesday: The United Nations is an utter failure.

If the organization won’t actually work to end Russia’s Ukraine war, he said, it should dissolve itself.

“Are you ready to close?” he asked the assembled dignitaries, after pointing out that the brutal war violates the UN Charter’s first article.

He’s right to ask. Long fetishized by progressives around the globe as the last bulwark of civilization against unending war, the United Nations has proven singularly inept at actually preventing violence and isolating dangerous regimes. In fact, it often empowers them.

To view the original article, click here

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