Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Yes, We Should Be Worried About Canada’s Burgeoning Crop of Jihadis

John Robson
Epoch Times, Sept. 9, 2024

“In response to the arrest, RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme said predictably that “there is no place for such ideological and hate-motivated crime in Canada.” But clearly there is, and not just because of these two arrests. Because of open advocacy for Hamas in our cities before large, supportive crowds with apathetic or absent policing.”

Oh well. Another day, another homegrown Canadian terror plot. I wonder if we should be worried?

No, wait. Before you growl “Of course, you idiot” at me or my editors, please consider that this response would be dismissed, even despised, by much of Canada’s political class.

First, it was the Eldidis, father and son, with the former having passed a number of security screenings despite what the CBC delicately calls “a 2015 video allegedly showing him participating in a violent terrorist assault overseas” and his son sliding painlessly through one security-check-like object. And now it’s “Toronto man accused of plotting a terror attack at a Jewish centre in New York City.”

During World War II, then-General Dwight Eisenhower asked, “Where do we get such men?” So do I. But while Ike marvelled at how America produced so many fine soldiers despite not being warlike, I’m curious why Canada seems to be churning out jihadis despite not being Islamist.
Or rather churning them in. These three are all imports. And while of course any open society will bring in some bad apples, and grow some domestically, what has consistently struck me about the Eldidi case is how the authorities insisted they’d done a splendid job and it’s unfair to ask them to stop such people from getting in and, in the case of Eldidi père, getting citizenship just because we pay them to.  … [To read the full article, click here]


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