Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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Why Is It Taking So Long to Destroy Hamas?

Colonel (res.) Prof. Gabi Siboni
JISS, Aug. 22, 2024

“Hamas’ control over humanitarian aid gives it breathing room and maintains its influence and power among the population.”

After ten months of fighting, many ask why Hamas has not yet been destroyed yet?, and the full achievement of the war’s objectives has yet to be realized. There are several reasons for the prolongation of the war. These include delays and hesitations in decision-making, lack of professionalism among the top military echelon, the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza due to American pressure and a failure to control its distribution.
The article also discusses the failure to deal with civilian affairs and with Hamas’ governance capabilities, parallel to the destruction of its military power; the hostage dilemma and how it has affected the pace of IDF operations; international pressure, especially in the context of the maneuver in Rafah and the Philadelphi Corridor; and finally, the fundamental problems in the IDF’s force buildup.

At the beginning of the war, some in the IDF, the defense establishment, and government sought to avoid a ground maneuver in Gaza. Similar advice was offered by American officials who frequented Israel. There were several reasons for this hesitation, primarily the General Staff and political echelon’s doubts over the ability of ground forces to operate effectively in Gaza’s complex environment. While it took time to make the decision to go ahead with the maneuver, once made, the forces acted decisively. However, over time, the senior command became hesitant in its use of force, imposing numerous limitations on the advance of forces. … [To read the full article, click here]

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