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Why Did the Harvard Crimson Decide to Take on Israel?

The Harvard Crimson.jpg - Wikimedia Common
The Harvard Crimson.jpg - Wikimedia Common

Dan Diker

Israel Hayom, May 3, 2022

“Does the Harvard Crimson Editorial board agree with PSC’s goal of dismantling the Jewish and democratic state to “free Palestine”?”

The international BDS movement has intensified its domination of university campuses. On Friday, April 29, Melbourne University in Australia passed a boycott, divestment and sanctions movement’s resolution accusing Israel of “ongoing ethnic cleansing, apartheid, attacks on innocent worshippers”, and characterized “Zionism as a racist, colonial ideology”.  This “Nazification” of the democratic nation-state of the Jewish people which reflects BDS’s basic position, should not surprise anyone who has researched the BDS movement and its core claim that Israel should never have been reestablished in 1948, and should now be dismantled and replaced by a 23rd Arab Muslim majority state.

The Crimson Editorial board’s April 29th editorial In Support of Boycott Sanction and a Free Palestine legitimizes and normalizes BDS’s core claim and above-mentioned genocidal rhetoric. While it claims to oppose all forms of antisemitism, the Crimson‘s uncritical embrace of Harvard’s Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) thrusts Harvard’s daily paper into a cauldron of the new Israel-targeted antisemitism, rendering the Crimson either unschooled or willfully blind to the radical roots and extremist ends of the PSC and the two-decade international BDS Movement.  Notwithstanding the Crimson’s Jewish editorial board chairperson, Orlee Marini Rapoport’s April 30 tweet of self-adulation, “I’m so proud to be part of this thoughtful group”, she and the Crimson‘s board exhibit either stunning ignorance of BDS’s political ideology or malice of forethought in endorsing the PSC’s totalitarian goals.

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