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Why Bibi Netanyahu Won in Israel

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Mordechai Nisan

American Thinker, Nov. 7, 2022


“Netanyahu’s future Cabinet is not “a nightmare,” and Israel is not entering a “dark tunnel,” as Friedman put it.  The Israelis voted to punish a failed government that was unable to assure personal security throughout the country.  They did the normal thing that citizens do in a democracy: they threw out the scoundrels.”


Benjamin Netanyahu’s win in Israel’s latest election has drawn a muted response from the U.S. as policymakers wrestle with the implications for foreign policy in the Middle East,” wrote Fox News in its story lede.

“In the days leading up to the election, politicians from the left were pleading with voters to please, please help save their parties.  In Israel, this has become known as a gevalt campaign — Yiddish for ‘Help!'” wrote the New Yorker in its nut graf.

They were dazed in the 1977, 1981, 1996, and 2015 elections, and now in 2022.  They demonized Netanyahu, smeared Likud-supporters as “dark forces” and the “poison camp,” and warned that a Likud victory would be a disaster. 

However, a clear majority of Israeli voters, known as the nationalist camp led by Likud, is confident and proud of our faith, homeland, and state after close to 4,000 years of Jewish history.  Suffering abuse, they chose to take a stand.

The left has sidelined the Zionist dream, alienated itself from the Land of Israel ethos, marginalized the traditions of our people, and challenged the sacred solidity of the family.  They did this while strutting about and morally posturing in favor of a Palestinian state on the borders of Jerusalem and Ben-Gurion airport.  How stupid can you be?

The left lost the election not only because the cost-of-living index soared, normative government conduct went awry, and the Biden administration–brokered gas deal with Hezb’allah was a shameful act of capitulation. … SOURCE


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