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Why Are the October 7 Atrocities Being Denied?

Tower Masters School- Salaam, Shalom, Serenity: Finding Peace in Freedom from Oppression – Tower
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Tower Masters School- Salaam, Shalom, Serenity: Finding Peace in Freedom from Oppression – Tower Licence details Creator: Montecruz Foto Copyright: Montecuz Foto

Caroline B. Glick
JNS, Nov. 1, 2023

“Hamas’s boosters are not delusional. They know exactly what they are doing.”
On its face, Holocaust denial makes no sense. The physical evidence of the genocide exists. The testimony of survivors and of Nazis and their collaborators exists. And they are all irrefutable.

Beyond that, the Nazis were proud of the fact that they killed 6 million Jews. By denying the Holocaust, contemporary Nazis and Nazi fans seem to be demeaning their heroes. Why would they do that?

The mystery of Holocaust denial is no mere puzzlement from a distant past.

Understanding its purpose is essential as we contend with our present predicament. Immediately after word got out about Hamas’s sadistic slaughter of more than 1,400 Israeli men, women and children on Oct. 7, Hamas’s supporters worldwide launched a concerted effort to deny that anything had happened.

Just as neo-Nazis both celebrate the Holocaust and deny it, so do those who rapturously greeted the stories of slaughtered and decapitated Jewish babies and men, and raped and dismembered Jewish women and girls, insist that Hamas didn’t commit any of those crimes.
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